Author: dssiadmin

FREEDOM AND FREEWILL: ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER HAS NO MEANING AT ALL by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD TRUE FREEDOM is not a FACULTY given to MAN to make a CHOICE as in “I can do because I am free” nor an OCCASION given to MAN to enjoy a CHOICE as in “I am free to choose”. TRUE FREEDOM is not a MATTER of MAKING A CHOICE. What, then, is TRUE FREEDOM? TRUE FREEDOM is a PRODUCT of the proper exercise of God-given FREEWILL, that is, the WILL or the DRIVE TO BE FREE, not to choose to be free.…

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SEASONED CHRISTIANITY WITH SEASONAL CHRISTIANS: AN EXISTENTIAL DISARRAY by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD More than 2000 years ago, Christ was given birth. With the birth of Christ came forth the birth of Christianity. With the birth of Christianity shines forth the LIFE of Christ through which Christ Himself instructs and declares to HUMANITY, saying, “You are the SALT of the earth (Ref. Matthew 5:13), You are the LIGHT of the world (Ref. Matthew 5:14). Thus, in the knowledge and wisdom of God, HUMANITY takes center stage in the world. For, indeed, this was how God the Creator in and…

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ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD: PURPOSE OF HUMAN EXISTENCE MADE KNOWNBy Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD The Annunciation of the Lord powerfully echoes in a solemn fashion a resounding MESSAGE to the entire humanity as it did to Mary, our Blessed Mother. A strong MESSAGE that capitulates and captures the very PURPOSE of HUMAN EXISTENCE made known by God to Mary through the angel Gabriel which, I strongly believe, He wishes the same to be made known to the whole of humanity. March 25 calendars this year 2020 the celebration of the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, which day…

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Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord 2023: What does it speak to us and manifest to the world?By Bishop Celes Gianan, DD, PhD Briefly but significantly, the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord 2023 speaks so powerfully to us and manifests to the world THE TRUTH, namely: That Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, since birth until now 2023 is the SAME yesterday, today and tomorrow. Both Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8 declare that God is the same always and never ever changes. No matter how this world keeps changing and how it keeps changing us, we can…

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THOUGHTS AS FOOD CAN ANY GOOD THING COME OUT OF OLD ROMAN CATHOLICISM? By Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD This question has a semblance to the question asked by Nathanael to Philip, saying, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” to which Philip answered by saying, “Come and see” (Ref. John 1:45-46). Brothers, to the question “Can any good thing come out of Old Roman Catholicism?”, may we humbly invite us to “COME and SEE” and find for ourselves the answer. The answer is an absolute YES. ANTIQUE, NOT ANTIQUATED The Old Roman Catholicism is ANTIQUE for it has…

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May 11, 2022 Greetings and blessings, Brothers and Sisters. I strongly believe in PRAYER as RELATION addressed and lifted up to God and its impact, particularly and at this stage, to the life and journey of our FILIPINO NATION. “Staying CALM, Being STILL, Doing RIGHT” is what we most need for the SPIRIT OF TRUE PEACE to take its course, shape and be instrumental in RE-FRESHING and in RE-DIRECTING our FILIPINO NATION to the PATH and GOAL God is leading us to. We humbly PRAY that this EMERGING LEADERSHIP brought about by our recent 2022 ELECTION would, by the help…

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POST-GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY REFLECTION SACRED OFFICE IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH: WHAT IS IT INTENDED FOR? by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD For Church Governance and Administration, SACRED OFFICE is both ESSENTIAL and INTEGRAL to the life of the Church. It is ESSENTIAL to the life of the Church insofar as when we think of the SACRED OFFICE, we think of the Church and vice versa. We cannot conceive of a Church without a SACRED OFFICE. On the other hand, it is INTEGRAL to the life of the Church insofar as the Church cannot function properly and in orderly…

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WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ALTER CHRISTUS? IN PERSONA CHRISTI CAPITIS? – A DEEPER REFLECTION by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD ALTER CHRISTUS is properly translated as OTHER CHRIST, not ANOTHER CHRIST which is ALIUS CHRISTUS in Latin. Though ALIUS in Latin is taken to mean sometimes as OTHER. But, ALTER CHRISTUS is Christologically phrased as such to mean OTHER CHRIST. When one is ALTER CHRISTUS, one gets the character of Christ by virtue of Baptism insofar as when one is baptized,  one is baptized in Christ. Romans 6:3-5  qualifies this Baptism as “that which unites us to Christ; we…

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WHAT IS MY MIND ON ONLINE MASS? by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD I believe, therefore, I speak (Ref. II Corinthians 4: 13). Here, I go. The issue being addressed here is the PLACE where the HOLY MASS is being presided over, participated in, and celebrated. When we speak of HOLY MASS, we speak of EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION, the ACTION of Christ Himself and the Church which is SO SACRED. May I first cite that which CODEX IURIS CANONICI provides in Canon 932, which says, “The Eucharistic Celebration is to be carried out in a SACRED PLACE unless in a particular…

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A POST-DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY REFLECTION DIVINE MERCY, STATE, CHURCH: TRIPOD BY WHICH HUMANITY RISES TO ITS HEIGHT AND SEES ITS WIDTH by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD The Lord Jesus said to St. Faustina, saying, “I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls. Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My Mercy.” Within the context of the aforementioned words coming from our Lord Jesus Christ, we might wonder and ask, “What, then, is MERCY? What makes MERCY, DIVINE? How come that without turning with trust to God’s MERCY, mankind…

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