The Dominus Iesus School of Theology (DIST) is a Theological School and Formation Center of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church <Utrecht Succession> Archdiocese of California in the Philippines. It is operated and administered by the fathers of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.

On June 29th, 2023, the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, His Grace Ivan Castañeda, DD, Primate of the West Region and Metropolitan Archbishop of North American Old Roman Catholic Church <Utrecht Succession> Archdiocese of California, granted PERMIT TO OPERATE to Dominus Iesus School of Theology (DIST) for its ECCLESIASTICAL DEGREE PROGRAM.

DIST’s CHED’s (Commission on Higher Education) accreditation is now on process. DIST offers a Trimester Ladderized Curriculum in Sacred Theology for Bachelors Degree to Masteral Degree to Doctoral Degree.  



2023 Anno Domini Nostri Jesu Christi
Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul
North American Old Roman Catholic Church <Utrecht Succession> Archdiocese of California



Bachelors Degree to Masteral Degree to Doctoral Degree
A Trimester Ladderized Curriculum in Sacred Theology

Program Concept: ISP Curriculum in Sacred Theology presupposes Philosophical Knowledge and is to be taken within the context and in reference to the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ. Thus, the students are mandated to take up modular sessions in the field of Philosophy and study the courses in Sacred Theology vis-à-vis the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ. ISP Curriculum speaks of the three grounds for the edification of the ordained ministry in the Church. These are the following, namely: Intellectual, Spiritual, and Pastoral or the ISP Curriculum. This concept is Scripturally rooted in 1 Peter 1: 13 – 16 which says,

Therefore, prepare your minds [Intellectual] for actions, keep sober in spirit [Spiritual], fix your hope completely on the grace of God to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lust which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior [Pastoral] because it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy”.

This concept is further enhanced by II Timothy 3: 16 – 17, that says,

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

Hence, in this CURRICULUM, the intellectual formation is Scripture-based, spiritual formation is Scripture-inspired, and the pastoral commitment and involvement in the life and ministry of the Church is Scripture-driven. Furthermore, this understanding is rooted in John 1:1, which says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. When we speak of “Theology”, we speak of “Theos” meaning “God” and “Logos” meaning “Word”. John 1:1 is the biblical foundation of any theological school of thought in the fullest sense of the word. Apart from it, it is not theology. It may be dubbed as “theodicy” which is conceptually different from “theology”. The former, that is, “theodicy” refers to “what we say” about God and to what He says; the latter, that is, “theology” refers to “what God says” in and through “His Word”.

Program Components: The components of this curriculum are the following, namely:

Intellectual: Scripture-basedIntroduction to Theology, Dogmatic Theology, Systematic Theology, Moral Theology, Liturgical Theology, Canon Law both the 1917 Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law and the 1983 Code of Canon Law, Christology, Sacramentology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, Mariology, Patrology, History of the Church, and Church Ministry

Spiritual:  Scripture-inspired Spiritual Enrichment and Empowerment inspired by the Writings of the Church Fathers and the Saints, Papal Encyclicals, Apostolic Exhortation and Declaration, Social Teachings of the Catholic Church and other contemporary Church documents all of which are basically and foundationally based on and done in the light of the Sacred Scriptures.

Pastoral: Scripture-driven commitment and involvement in the life and ministry of the Church which basically addresses the SPECIE, that is, the Social, Political, Economic, Cultural, Industrial, and Ecological dimensions in the lives of people whom the ordained and consecrated ministers would minister to as they live out their ministerial priesthood.

NOTA BENE: Please take note that in the DIMENSIONS the Spiritual is not included believing that the Spiritual is not to be taken as a “mere dimension of human life”. Rather, the Spiritual is to be taken as “having dominion over the dimensions of human life”, not a “mere dimension of human life”. Something unique and distinct! Yes, but this is what it is and should be. The Spirit has a vital role to play in each and every dimension of human life. 

Program Procedure: Every student shall be given the chance to actively and interactively initiate and respond to the formation process. He may be assigned a topic in the overall syllabus, do research work on it and discuss it with fellow students and/or with the professor as scheduled. Each student must imbibe “learnings” in his heart, utilize them and maximize them in preparation for and in the exercise of the ministerial priesthood. It must be noted that in this ladderized degree program, what is of utmost importance is not the number of credits earned [though, these are required] but the depth, length, and width of knowledge and wisdom gained as one moves in progression towards something greater and higher in the order of values and purpose. There is then an awareness of the “succession and progression” of thoughts from one degree program to another as one furthers his zeal in the exploration [knowledge-production] and exposition [knowledge-dissemination] of thoughts which he himself would eventually come to experience [knowledge-application].

Program Output: The ISP Curriculum seeks to bring out the best in the lives of those desiring to be ordained to the ministerial priesthood of Christ and produce assets to the Church that are well “informed” and best “formed” by the Word of God and empowered by the same “to partake in the life of Christ” and “to continue His ministry for His Church”. In effect, the Church expects them to be and become more steadfast in their faith in God and understand much deeper the nature of the Church, affective and effective in solidarity and fellowship, sensitive and sensible in reading and addressing the signs and demands of the times, responsible and responsive in fulfilling the assigned task, committed and involved ministers of God in His Church.

Program Schedule: Each degree program [BA, MA] shall take four [4] Trimesters except that of the Doctoral Degree Program, which has its own timetable. Every Trimester shall take three [3] months. Upon the completion of the required number of credits and compliance of requirements, one is conferred the degree sought for and awarded the prescribed diploma.


BACHELORS DEGREE IN SACRED THEOLOGY Programmed: Four Trimesters: 180 Hours Trimester System Calculated: 3 Credits means 1 hour of Instruction per week x 12 weeks = 12 hours PLUS 2 hours out-of-class student work per week x 12 weeks = 24 hours additional student work for one course title would equal 36 hours x 5 Courses Title = 180 hours. 180 Total number of credits divided by 4 Trimesters would mean 45 hours to be spent for academic endeavors in each and every Trimester. Approach: Guided and directed by a mentor in the learning process  

First Trimester: 15 Credits

  BATheo 101   Introduction to Theology and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ     This study introduces the students to the meaning of Theology, its foundation, its relevance and implication to the Church and the world. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students in their appreciation of the primacy of theology over other fields of study.       3  
  BATheo 102   Introduction To Sacred Scripture and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ     This study introduces the students to the meaning of Sacred Scriptures, its division, and its relevance and implication to the ministerial priesthood. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students in their appreciation of the integrity of the books of the Sacred Scriptures.       3  
  BATheo 103   God, One and Triune: Its Impact to the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ     This study shares with the students the identity and character of God and great deeds of the One and Triune God. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students in their Trinitarian faith and witnessing.           3  
  BATheo 104   God, The Creator: Its Implications to the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students God’s vision and mission for His creation. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they see in them this character of God – a God who is a creative maker and a productive producer.           3    
  BATheo 105   God made Man: Jesus and His Ministerial Priesthood       This study shares with students the mystery of the Incarnation of Christ and its implication to redemption. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they become conscious of the indwelling of God in their lives.       3  

Second Trimester: 15 Credits

  BATheo 201   Mariology and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the works of redemption and in the sanctification of the Church and the world. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they develop a devotion to the Mother of the Son of God.         3  
  BATheo 202   The Grace of God and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students the biblical understanding of the grace of God. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they believe and live out the grace of God in their lives.         3  
  BATheo 203   The Church of God and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students the identity and character of the Church of God, that is, One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they live out these four marks of the Church of God.         3  
  BATheo 204   Sacred Liturgy and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students the meaning of Sacred Liturgy and its relevance to the Church of God. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they partake in every liturgical celebration.         3  
  BATheo 205     The Sacraments and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ     This study shares with the students the biblical understanding of the sacraments, their matter and form, and their relevance to the life of the Church as a community of believers. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they live out their sacramental life essential and integral to the exercise of the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ.           3  

Third Trimester: 15 Credits

  BATheo 301   Fundamentals of Moral Theology and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ                         This study shares with the students fundamental concepts and principles of Moral Theology and their relevance to the moral upbringing of the believers in God. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they live out their moral life as believers in God and lovers of the Church, particularly, in the exercise of the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ.         3  
  BATheo 302   Ordinances of  God and of the Church and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students the ordinances of the Law of God and of the Church and their relevance in the promotion of order in Christian life. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they share in the character of God who is a God of Order, a character ought to be imbibed in the exercise of the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ.         3  
  BATheo 303   The Theological and Moral Virtues and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students concepts and relevance of theological and moral virtues in life. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they allow these virtues to create an impact in their lives as well as in the exercise of the Ministerial priesthood of Christ.         3  
  BATheo 304   Marriage, Family and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students the potentials in marriage and their contribution to family building. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they choose to live married life and build their own family while embracing the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ.         3  
  BATheo 305   Church Ministry and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students an understanding of Church ministry in the light of the public ministry of Christ. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they partake in the ministry of the Church essential and integral to the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ.         3  


[Applicable to those who wish to be ordained in and for the ORCF MSSPP Philippines, MSDRC Vietnam and PP OLH Bahrain]

I. It is at this point in time that the BATheo student is asked by the Academic Dean of Theology to write a LETTER OF INTENT to respond to the Sacred Orders, if he so desires and is decided.

II. Once received, the Rector through the Academic Dean of Theology shall, in response, write a LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION, respectively, that is, respective of where the student belongs, to the Presiding Bishop and Episcopal Superior of the Old Roman Catholic Fathers of the Missionary Society of Sts. Peter and Paul, Philippines or to the Provincial Superior of the Missionary Society of the Disciples of the Risen Christ, Vietnam or to the Apostolic Administrator of the Personal Prelature of the Our Lady of Hope, Bahrain, recommending him for the installation to the MINOR ORDERS.

III. Once approved, the aspirant shall then do the necessary preparations for the MINOR ORDERS.

IV. Having done this, one shall now be installed to the MINOR ORDERS.

V. The BATheo student shall continue to pursue the fourth trimester in the Bachelor’s Degree.

VI. During this time, necessary preparations for the ordination to the Deaconate shall take place.

VII. After having complied the requirements and completed the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Sacred Theology, the candidate to the Order of Deacons shall write a DECLARATION OF INTENT AND PETITION FOR ORDINATION TO THE DIACONATE to the Rev. Fr. Rector, DIST, who, in turn, shall write a TESTIMONIAL concerning the Candidate’s Suitability for Ordination, including a Certification of the Completion of his Studies and the Soundness of his State of Health. This Testimonial shall be addressed to the Presiding Bishop and Episcopal Superior of ORCF MSSPP who, in turn, shall make the final assessment and judgement together with the College of Prelates, ORCC MSA US, on the candidate’s fitness for Holy Orders. In practice, the Presiding Bishop and the Episcopal Superior together with the College of Prelates bases their judgment mainly on the report sent by the Rector of Dominus Iesus School of Theology.

VIII. Once ordained a Rev. Deacon, he will have to do ministerial works in the Church where he is located.

IX. After six months of ministerial service, he will take the initiative to write a LETTER OF DECLARATION OF INTENT AND PETITION for Ordination to the Priesthood to his Bishop under whom he belongs as far as jurisdiction is concerned, seeking for the Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood.

X. The Bishop, upon having received this LETTER OF DECLARATION OF INTENT AND PETITION FOR ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD from the candidate, shall now do the necessary assessment and make the final decision.

XI. For those who do not submit, for some reasons, a Letter of Declaration of Intent and Petition for Ordination to the Diaconate, they may continue with the Fourth Trimester until they finished and graduated from the course.

Fourth Trimester: 15 Credits

  BATheo 401   Doing Christology and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students faith-seeking understanding of Christ in the Synoptic Gospels. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they imbibe the words and do the works of Christ.         3  
  BATheo 402   Doing Pneumatology and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students the power and role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church and in the movements of the world. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they allow themselves to be led by the Spirit of God.         3  
  BATheo 403   Doing Ecclesiology and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students ancient thoughts and practices and contemporary insights and interventions of the Church. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they do a comparative and reflective study on the Church.         3  
  BATheo 404   Doing Missiology and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ   This study shares with the students a sense of mission as believers and partakers in the work of evangelization. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they live out their commitment to the task of evangelization.           3  
  BATheo 405   Doing Patrology and Mariology and the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ This study shares with the students writings of the Church Fathers and how they contribute to the propagation of the faith. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the students as they continue to listen to the wisdom that the ancient Church Fathers have demonstrated and witnessed.           3  

Spiritual: Scripture-inspired Spiritual Enrichment and Empowerment inspired by the Writings of the Church Fathers and the Saints, Papal Encyclicals, Apostolic Exhortation and Declaration, Social Teachings of the Catholic Church and other contemporary Church documents.

An integral part of the degree program is the Spiritual Enrichment and Development of the students. Thus, in each trimester the students are encouraged to do some readings and to keep abreast of the following, namely: Writings of the Church Fathers and the Saints, Papal Encyclicals, Apostolic Exhortation and Declaration, Social Teachings of the Catholic Church and other contemporary Church documents. To make sure that the student does what is expected of him in this area, he is to compose and write a reflection paper to be submitted to his professor.

Pastoral: Scripture-driven commitment and involvement in the life and ministry of the Church which basically addresses the SPECIE, that is, the Social, Political, Economic, Cultural, Industrial, Ecological dimensions in the lives of people whom the ordained ministers would minister to as they live out their ministerial priesthood.

Another integral part of the degree program is the living out of their Pastoral Commitment and Involvement in the life and ministry of the Church. Thus, in whatever way he can, the student shall contribute to the social upliftment, political empowerment, economic preservation, cultural appreciation, industrial advancement, ecological concern as they provide spiritual direction in the lives of people they are asked and tasked to minister to.

[NOTA BENE: These two integral parts of the degree program take stance and shape also in the MA and PhD/STD degree program]

MASTERAL DEGREE PROGRAM IN SACRED THEOLOGY, CANON LAW, PASTORAL MINISTRY Programmed: Four Trimesters: 180 Hours Trimester System Calculated: 3 Credits means 1 hour of Instruction per week x 12 weeks = 12 hours PLUS 2 hours out-of-class student work per week x 12 weeks = 24 hours additional student work for one course title would equal 36 hours x 5 Courses Title = 180 hours. 180 Total number of credits divided by 4 Trimesters = 180 Total number of hours to finish one Masteral Degree program either in Sacred Theology, Canon Law or Pastoral Ministry. This would mean 45 hours to be spent for academic endeavors in each and every Trimester. Approach: Explore through research, Expose through articulation, and Experience through witnessing

First Trimester: 15 Credits

  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 101   Overview of Catholic Theology, Canon Law and Pastoral Ministry: In Depth Knowledge and Understanding   This study provides the student the occasion to explore and expose the content, scope, limits, and limitations of Catholic Theology and Canon Law. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he embraces a theology that is catholic and the canons of the Church.         3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law 102   Theology of the Eucharist and the Canons of the Church and Its Pastoral Relevance and Implications     This study provides the student the occasion to explore and unfold the theological and canonical foundation of the Eucharist, its role in the life and mission of the Church.       3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 103   Theology of Ministry and Its Canonical and Pastoral Relevance to the Church as a People of God   This study provides the student the occasion to delve into the theological and canonical foundation of ministry, its power and impact in the lives of people being ministered to. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he develops love for his ministry.         3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 104   Selective Readings: Core Elements of Christian Life and the Canons on the Sacraments and Implications to Pastoral Life   This study provides the student the occasion to explore and expose the core elements of Christian life and the canons on the sacraments and how they compose life in Christ. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he strives for perfection in Christian life.         3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 105   Ministering to Youth and Its Canonical and Pastoral Contribution to the Future of the Church   This study provides the student the occasion to know and understand the youth and to explore and expose effective and affective ways of ministering to the youth. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he develops concern for the youth.         3  

Second Trimester: 15 Credits

  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 201   Comparative Religion seen in the Light of Canon Law and in reference to the Pastoral Life of the Church   This study provides the occasion to explore and expose the points of similarities and dissimilarities between and among religions in the world and the intervention of Canon Law in their movements. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he develops a deep respect for each and every religion in the world.         3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 202   Fanatical Islam as Global Threat seen in the Light of Canon Law and in reference to the Pastoral Life of the Church   This study provides the student the occasion to get to know and understand what and in what way Islam can be and become fanatical and how it brings about a global threat. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as to how to prevent this possible global threat.         3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 203   Understanding Alcoholism in the Light of Canon Law and in reference to the Pastoral Life of the Church   This study provides the student the occasion to fully understand the phenomenon on alcoholism and its effects to the foundation and operations of life. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he thinks of ways of safeguarding both young and adults from the destructive consequence of alcoholism     .       3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 204   Critique of Addiction Treatment substantiated by the Canons of the Church and by the Pastoral Norms of the Church   This study provides the student the occasion to do a critique in addiction treatment and how far this treatment varies in content and in process. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he continues to contemplate on the joy that addiction treatment would bring in the life of the person.         3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 205   Child Abuse and Recovery, What the Canons of the Church say and what the Pastoral Norms of the Church prescribe   This study provides the student the occasion to look into the physiological and psychological impact of child abuse and unfold its passage to recovery and how it could help the child shine again. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he sees light in recovery.         3  

Third Trimester: 15 Credits

  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 301   Nature of Children in the Light of the Canons and Pastoral Norms of the Church   This study provides the student the occasion to explore and expose the nature of children and how they unfold the power of life. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he sees Christ in the lives of children.         3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 302   Psychodynamics of Child Abuse and Treatment seen in the Light of the Canons and Pastoral Norms of the Church   This study provides the student the occasion to look into the psychodynamics that takes place in child abuse and how it helps determine the kind of treatment to be rendered. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he understands how it feels to be abused as a child.               3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 303   Theology of Marriage, Family Life: Its Canonical and Pastoral Implications   This study provides the student the occasion to explore and expose the theological and canonical foundation of marriage and its implication to family life. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he sees God at work in marriage and in family life as well.           3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 304   Finding One’s Calling: Its Canonical and Pastoral Implications   This study provides the student the occasion to explore and expose ways of finding one’s calling and how sound judgment and wise discernment play a vital role. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he keeps pursuing that direction that leads to his own calling in life.           3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 305   Marriage as Integral To Life to Life in the Light of the Canons and Pastoral Norms of the Church   This study provides the student the occasion to search for reasons why marriage is thought of as a second chance to life and how this second chance brings bright future. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he contemplates the power of marriage in declaring the greatness of God.             3  

Fourth Trimester: 15 Credits

  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 401   Apologetics, Holy Scripture as an Argument for the Catholic Church: Its Canonical and Pastoral Implications This study provides the student the occasion gain a deeper understanding of the role of apologetics in defense of the Faith and how God through His Holy Scriptures provides strength to the Catholic Church. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he lives out his faith with perseverance and endurance.         3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 402   Convergence of Science and Biblical Wisdom and Its Pastoral and Canonical Implication   This study provides the student the occasion trace the lines and points of convergence between Science and Biblical Wisdom and how they establish certain amount of reciprocality. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he sees the phenomenon of convergence in Science and Biblical Wisdom.             3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 403   Examination of non-canonical Scriptures seen in the Light of the Canons of the Church and Its Pastoral Norms   This study provides the student the occasion to examine the non-canonical Scriptures and the reasons why they are considered to be so. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he gains understanding about non-canonical Scriptures.               3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 404   Progression of Classical to Christian Thought within the Context of the Canons of the Church and Its Pastoral Norms   This study provides the student the occasion to trace the movement of progression of what is classical to Christian Thought and the form of life that it brings to the believers. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student as he ponders how his thoughts are being brought about.             3  
  MATheo/MACanon Law/MAPastoral Ministry 405   Re-thinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and Mission of the Church guided by the Canons of the Church and Its Pastoral Norms   This study provides the student the occasion to re-think heaven, resurrection, and mission of the Church and how this re-thinking brings him to a proper understanding of them. It, thus, informs the mind and forms the heart of the student in the process of re-thinking.             3  


1. The first trimester is that stage in the program where the students will be allowed to get them immersed in the foundational fields of study before they will firmly decide what to pursue as to their area of specialization, that is, MA in Sacred Theology, MA in Canon Law, or MA in Pastoral Ministry. Each degree program shall be mentored by a qualified mentor given his field of specialization. Only one degree program will be assigned to and accommodated by him. He is to do research in his assigned degree program so as to substantiate the subject matter he is going to present to his students. The Course Titles and Course Descriptions can be tackled theologically, canonically and pastorally.

2. After the first trimester, the student shall be asked to write a letter signifying to the Office of the Academic Dean of Theology his field of specialization or interest. The Academic Dean, thus, issues a note of confirmation to the student.

3. The student shall proceed with the course of the degree program and zealously pursue it in compliance and in completion.

4. The student, after having complied the requirements and completed the course program shall now be conferred the degree and awarded with the prescribed diploma.

5. Having done this, the student will also be asked if he so desires to proceed and pursue the Doctoral Degree Program. If he so desires and is intent to do so, 30 credits earned from the Masteral Degree Program will be credited to the Doctoral Degree Program he intends to pursue. The remaining 60 credits in the course program shall be diligently and professionally earned and, thus, completing the 90 credits required in the entire doctoral degree program.

6. Having complied the requirements and completed the course program, he now will be conferred the degree and awarded with the prescribed diploma.

  DOCTORAL DEGREE PROGRAM IN SACRED THEOLOGY, CANON LAW AND PASTORAL MINISTRY   Programmed: Four Trimester 180 Hours    60 Credits from the MA shall be credited into the Doctoral Degree Program; 120 credits left to be zealously earned in the course of the program of which the 40 credit hours will be credited to ministerial service; 20 credits from the subjects to be looked into and the final 60 credits to be earned based on a research paper, publishable book or article, or project demonstrating excellence. It has to be written double-spaced, referenced, and indexed. It must be an important contribution in the enhancement and advancement of the “doctrinal”, “sacramental”, “liturgical”, “canonical”, and “pastoral” life of the Church.   Approach: Knowledge-production, knowledge-dissemination, and knowledge application Method: Research Activity [Exploration, exposition, and experience]  


  DTheo/DCanon Law/DPastoral Ministry 101   Science, Biblical Wisdom and Alcoholism: In the Light of the Evangelium Vitae [Gospel of Life] and in the Light of the Canons of the Church and Pastoral Norms of the Church   This field of endeavor seeks to look into the correlation of science, biblical wisdom, and alcoholism in the light of Evangelium Vitae with the expectation that LIFE will be unfolded as a Gospel of the Church to the world.     5 credits would mean 5 hours of in-depth instruction, knowledge and understanding in each week      
  DTheo/DCanon Law/DPastoral Ministry 201   Catholic Theology, Resurrection, and Mission of the Church: In the Light of Lumen Gentium [Dogmatic Constitution on the Church] and in the Light of the Canons of the Church and Pastoral Norms of the Church   This field of endeavor seeks to build up the real VISION-MISSION of the CHURCH brought about by a sound catholic theological thinking and by acting empowered by the Resurrection of the Lord with the expectation that the GREAT DEEDS of GOD be made known and lived out in faithful witnessing.       5 credits would mean 5 hours of in-depth instruction, knowledge and understanding in each week      
  DTheo/DCanon Law/DPastoral Ministry 301   Church Ministry, Youth, and Addiction: In the Light of Deus Caritas Est [On Christian Love] and in the Light of the Canons of the Church and Pastoral Norms of the Church   This field of endeavor seeks to empower those in Church ministry to preserve and sustained the dignity of the youth who in our contemporary times are faced with the evils of addiction with the expectation that Christian love prevails.     5 credits would mean 5 hours of in-depth instruction, knowledge and understanding in each week      
  DTheo/DCanon Law/DPastoral Ministry 401     Church, Marriage, Family Life, and the Eucharist: In the Light of Ecclesia De Eucharistia [On the Eucharist in its Relationship to the Church] and in the Light of the Canons of the Church and Pastoral Norms of the Church     This field of endeavor seeks to reveal the power of the Eucharist, which is the very power of the ministerial priesthood of Christ in the Church, marriage, and family life with the expectation that the real presence of Christ would be and become its Source of unity and a Resource of unification.       5 credits would mean 5 hours of in-depth instruction, knowledge and understanding in each week        



Having successfully completed and graduated from the Four-year Course Major in Philosophy at the Sacred Heart Seminary, Palo, Leyte, Philippines andfrom the Four-year Course in Sacred Theology at the San Carlos Major Seminary, Mabolo, Cebu City, Philippines and six months after having been ordained to the Diaconate, I was administered and conferred the Sacrament of Holy Orders and got ordained to the Sacred Priesthood in April 2, 1981 in the year of our Lord at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Ormoc City, Archdiocese of Palo, Palo, Leyte, Philippines, by the late Most Reverend Cipriano Villahermosa Urgel, D.D., Archbishop of Palo, Archdiocese of Palo, Leyte, Philippines, who then has been a Bishop of Palo from 1973.04.12 to 1982.11.15 and became Metropolitan Archbishop of Palo from 1982.11.15 to 1985.04.22 when the Diocese was elevated to and erected as the Metropolitan See. Having spent several years in the ministry, in 1996, I opted to take up further studies upon the recommendation of Archbishop Pedro Dean, DD at the De La Salle University-Manila and earned Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree in Philosophy. In May 3, 2000, I was conferred PhD in Philosophy. A month later, I decided to continue my further studies at the Royal Pontifical Seminary – University of Santo Tomas-Manila where I enrolled with the intention of earning academic units in Licentiate in Canon Law upon the recommendation of Archbishop Pedro Dean, DD. Years after I have taken up my further studies and while I continued doing Church ministry, I took the initiative of doing research on a number of subject areas and develop a passion for re-conceptualization mainly on subjects affecting the life and operations of the Church. Prior to the founding of the Missionary Society of Sts. Peter and Paul, I have been doing private tutorial classes to students as their Mentor. In year 2010, I have founded and established a society of apostolic life which I named as THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF STS. PETER AND PAUL. In February 23, 2014, I was conferred and consecrated to the Sacred Office of the Episcopacy. CELESTINO AMORIN GIANAN, DD, PhD has a valid line of Apostolic Succession with Roman Catholic episcopal lineage from the Roman Catholic Bishop Carlos Duarte Costa (1888-1961) whose episcopal lineage comes from the Roman Catholic Cardinal Scipione Rebiba (1504 – 1577) whose episcopal lineage originates from the Apostle St. Peter “The Rock”. Cardinal Scipione Rebiba is of particular ecclesiastical significance since more than 95% of all living catholic bishops trace their episcopal lineage back to him – such as BISHOP CARLOS DUARTE COSTA, BISHOP JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO (Pope Francis), BISHOP JOSEPH ALOISIUS RATZINGER (Pope Benedict XVI), and many others. The episcopal lineage of Celestino Amorin Gianan is 3 levels close and below Bishop Carlos Duarte Costa and 23 levels below Cardinal Scipione Rebiba. CELESTINO AMORIN GIANAN, DD, PhD was consecrated by the Chief Consecrator Archbishop Neville  David Anderson, DD whose Petrine Apostolic Succession is validated in the Decree of Validity and Apostolic Succession signed and sealed by Msgr. Anselmo “Moi” C. Pamintuan, P.C., a Roman Catholic priest and lawyer trained in Canon Law, Dogmatic Theology, and Ecclesiastical History under the Most Rev. Antonio R. Tobias, D.D., Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches, Quezon City, Philippines. In May 10, 2018, I was appointed by the Council of Bishops of the Holy Catholic Church International based in Florida, USA as member of the Governing Body participating in the decisions of the Holy Catholic Church International, Most Reverend Heyward Bruce Ewart, PhD, PsyD, DD, being the Head.


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