Author: dssiadmin

THE DEFINITIVE-DEFINING STATEMENT OF OUR POSITION BEING THE NORTH AMERICAN OLD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH UTRECHT SUCCESSION ARCHDIOCESE OF CALIFORNIA: A DECLARATION PRELIMINARY NOTES In a culture when and where populace tend to close their eyes to something they have not seen before, tend to shut their ears from hearing of something which they have not heard before, tend to question the truth of something which is new to them, tend to pass negative judgment against something that they seem to think is not acceptable, tend to criticize at once without first knowing the whole thing and many more reactions and…

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“THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME”, says JESUS (Ref. Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18): HOLY WEEK REFLECTION 2022 By Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD Greetings and blessings, Brothers. May I humbly share this reflection as we continue our Lenten journey and go through Holy Week 2022. Realization 1. When Jesus says “The Spirit of the Lord is UPON Me”, He claims, thus, “The Spirit of the Lord is not a MERE PART of me”. There is a BIG difference between saying “UPON ME” and “PART OF ME”. The term “UPON ME” demonstrates that the Spirit of the Lord has…

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THE MUNERA OF CHRIST IN HIS PRIESTHOOD By Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD Greetings and blessings, Brothers. May we humbly share these thoughts for our short REFLECTION which, hopefully, would bring us all to concrete ACTIONS (Reflection + Action = PRAXIS). PRAXIS, simply, means putting into action our reflection. The VOCATION and MISSION of Bishops and priests, who are marked with the INDELIBLE SPIRITUAL CHARACTER, the SPECIAL GRACE of the Holy Spirit imprinted in their souls during their Sacred Ordination to the Priesthood of Christ and during their Sacred Consecration to the Order of Bishops, are rooted in and driven…

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DIVINE MERCY, STATE, CHURCH: TRIPOD BY WHICH HUMANITY RISES TO ITS HEIGHT AND SEES ITS WIDTH By Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD The Lord Jesus said to St. Faustina, saying,  “I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls. Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My Mercy.” Within the context of the aforementioned words coming from our Lord Jesus Christ, we might wonder and ask, “What, then, is MERCY? What makes MERCY, DIVINE? How come that without turning with trust to God’s MERCY, mankind or the entire humanity will…

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THEOLOGY BEYOND WALLS, COMMUNICATING THE GOSPEL CONTEXTUALLY: A MUST IN OUR CONTEMPORARY TIMES By Celes Amorin Gianan, DD, PhD THEOLOGY BEYOND WALLS, COMMUNICATING THE GOSPEL CONTEXTUALLY: A MUST IN OUR CONTEMPORARY TIMES speaks its RESOUNDING VOICE as it listens to Sacred Scriptures: “v. 14 for He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, v. 15 by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, v.…

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MAN: A DIVINE HUMANITY vis-a-vis EASTER VIGIL 2020 by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD MAN, a Divine Humanity, is a living, dynamic, intelligent creature of God, the Creator. By virtue of His divine creativity and sacred artistry, God, the Creator, took the dust of the ground from which He formed man and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE and man became a LIVING BEING (Ref. Genesis 2: 7) created in the likeness of Him (Ref. Genesis 1: 27). The “fusion of horizons” of the intent and commitment of God to form man and man as a recipient of…

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SACRED OFFICE IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH: WHAT IS IT INTENDED FOR? by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD For Church Governance and Administration, SACRED OFFICE is both ESSENTIAL and INTEGRAL to the life of the Church. It is ESSENTIAL to the life of the Church insofar as when we think of the SACRED OFFICE, we think of the Church and vice versa. We cannot conceive of a Church without a SACRED OFFICE. On the other hand, it is INTEGRAL to the life of the Church insofar as the Church cannot function properly and in orderly manner without the SACRED…

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IN-DEPTH UNDERSTANDING OF FREEDOM AND FREEWILL: ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER HAS NO MEANING AT ALL by Bishop Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD HOLY WEEK each year is best suited for an in-depth understanding of FREEDOM and FREEWILL made evident in the PASCHAL MYSTERY, that is, in the PASSION, DEATH, and RESURRECTION of Christ – HOW Jesus Christ went THROUGH all of these during the PASCHAL TRIDUUM, known as a THREE-DAY PILGRIMAGE FEAST which starts on the evening of Holy Thursday through Good Friday which culminates on Easter Vigil and ends with evening vesper of Easter Sunday. We wish to see…

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January 24, 2022, CAN ANY GOOD THING COME OUT OF OLD ROMAN CATHOLICISM? By Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD This question has a semblance to the question asked by Nathanael to Philip, saying, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” to which Philip answered by saying, “Come and see” (Ref. John 1:45-46). Brethren, to the question “CAN ANY GOOD THING COME OUT OF OLD ROMAN CATHOLICISM?”, may we humbly invite us to “COME and SEE” and find for ourselves the answer. The answer is an ABSOLUTE YES. ANTIQUE, NOT ANTIQUATED The Old Roman Catholicism is ANTIQUE for it has…

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