MSSPP Explanation of the EMBLEM: This portrays the “window” and/or “door” of the Church. “Light” passes through the “window” and shines itself inside the Church. People pass through the “door” of the Church as they come inside and go outside. Inside the Church, they see the “light” that brightens its place. Outside of the Church, they bring with them the “light” that “lightens” the loads of the world. Added component to this effect is that the “cross” that is seen at the center symbolically yet dynamically challenges the “The Fathers of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul” that as they come inside the Church, what they should be seeing is the “cross of Christ” and as they go out of the Church, what they should be carrying with them is the same “cross of Christ”.  What, then, is manifested in this emblem is the observance of “order” and exercise of “discipline” in and outside the Church which MSSPP is determined to pursue with a sense of direction and determination. That is why in the framing of this CONSTITUTION for the MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF STS. PETER AND PAUL, the following are given manifestation, namely: Internal Life and the External Operations of this clerical society of apostolic life.

Original Version: September 8, 2010

Revised and updated: December 8, 2021

Final Draft: June 1, 2023

Revised: June 15, 2023

Official promulgation: July 1, 2023


THE HOLY COVENANT……………………………………………………………………   4  



                     AND STATE REGISTRATION…………………………………………………. 4


                       AND RULE OF LIFE…………………………………………………………… 6


                OF STS. PETER AND PAUL: THREE-FOLD PHASES …………………………8




                        ENGAGEMENT AND INVOLVEMENT:

                        COMMITMENT TO THE MISSION OF GOD………………………………… 16

PART 3: MSSPP GOVERNMENT …………………………………………………………19

ARTICLE I. ITS GUIDING PRINCIPLES………………………………………………………19

ARTICLE II. CHURCH GOVERNANCE……………………………………………………….19


ARTICLE IV. MSSPP SACRED OFFICES………………………………………………………22


ARTICLE VI. MSSPP CONVOCATIONS……………………………………………………… 26





We, the Fathers of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, maintaining holy covenant with the Holy Mother Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, Christ being the Head, in total submission to the Divine Instructions written in SACRED SCRIPTURES, handed down by SACRED TRADITION and taught by the MAGISTERIUM and in humble and faithful observance and compliance of the CANONS OF THE CHURCH that are applicable to us as contained in The 1917 Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law and the 1983 Code of Canon Law  believed to be the Universal Law of the Catholic Church, operating within the Old Roman Catholic Church, invoking the Power of the Spirit of God as we implore the aid of our One and Triune God that we may humbly contribute to the sanctification of the world, to the edification of the Mystical Body of Christ, His Church and in the magnification of Her ministry and that we may establish and stabilize a form of Church Governance and Church Administration from within that shall embody our ideals and charism, promote the communal good,   conserve and develop the patrimony of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, do ordain and promulgate this  Constitution of the Missionary Society of Sts. Peter and Paul, a clerical society of apostolic life that subsists in the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the NORTH AMERICAN OLD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH UTRECHT SUCCESSION ARCHDIOCESE OF CALIFORNIA. So, help us God.



Rationale: To provide the necessary information on the ecclesial identity and jurisdiction as well as state registration of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.


Section 1. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is a clerical society of apostolic life that subsists in the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church UTRECHT SUCCESSION Archdiocese of California. It embraces the spirit and charism of the Old Roman Catholicism as we profess our belief in this fashion following the spirit of the Formulary of Utrecht 1823:

“We, too, accept with the greatest willingness, and without any exception whatever, all the articles of the Holy Catholic Faith; we will neither hold nor teach, now or afterwards, any other opinions than those which have been decreed, determined and published by our Mother, the Holy Church, conformably to Holy Scripture, Tradition, the Acts of the Ecumenical Councils, and those of the Council of Trent.”

“We, too, reject and condemn everything opposed to them, especially all heresies, without any single exception, which the Church has rejected and condemned; we also detest every schism which may separate us from the communion of the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church and of its visible head on earth …”

We, too, promise as well, for the future as for the present, fidelity, obedience and submission, in all things to His Holiness the Pope and to his successors, according to the canons of the Church; and also to maintain respectfully, to teach and to maintain in accordance with the same canons, the decrees and Constitutions of the Apostolic See.” [Formulary of Utrecht 1823]

Section 2: As an Old Roman Catholic Clerical Society of Apostolic Life, the Missionary Society of Sts. Peter and Paul was blessed with the conferral of and passing of the APOSTOLIC LINE OF UTRECHT SUCCESSION through the LAYING OF HANDS upon our beloved Bishops, His Grace, Bishop Celestino A. Gianan, DD, PhD, His Grace, Bishop Ariel H. Lopez, DD, MA and His Grace, Bishop Joselito A. Sarigumba, DD, MA by His Grace, Bishop Jose Madanguit, DD, the Regional Vicar for the Philippines and Other Countries of Asia, North American Old Roman Catholic Church UTRECHT SUCCESSION Archdiocese of California, in a Solemn Rite of Convalidation carried out in October 9, 2022 at the House of Prayer, Apostolic Vicariate of St. Padre Pio de Pietrelcina, Province of Cavite, Philippines.

Section 3.  By virtue of that Solemn Rite of Convalidation, the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is now in possession of a line of Holy Orders originating with our Lord Jesus Christ being held in common with the undivided Church of earlier centuries, thus, holds an Apostolic Succession in more recent centuries through the ancient See of Utrecht in Holland.

Saint Willibrord, the “Apostle to the Netherlands,” was consecrated bishop by Pope Sergius I at Rome in A.D. 696, and the city of Utrecht was raised to the dignity of a diocese. Saint Boniface, the “Apostle of Germany,” was bishop of Utrecht, and the same See also provided a worthy occupant for the See of Peter in 1522 in the person of Adrian VI. Two most able exponents of the religious life, Geert Groote, who founded the Brothers of the Common Life, and Thomas à Kempis, who is credited with writing The Imitation of Christ, were from the Dutch Church.

Section 4. This clerical society of apostolic life carries out the Mission of God in different regions in its attempt to magnify Church mission in the Philippines and countries of Asia.

Section 5. Following the Johannine Ecclesiology in John 15, the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is very much part of the Mystical Body of Christ, His Church of which He is the Head for it has branched out from and emerged from the main Vine (John 15:5). It is not an independent entity nor it is autonomous for, indeed, the power of governance and administration at work in its life and operations, without doubt, comes from and is drawn from the Divine Power and Authority of Christ which we, the ordained and consecrated, have been conferred with and received during our Sacred Ordination to the Priesthood of Christ and/or during our Episcopal Consecration.

Section 6. The Bishops and clerics of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul humbly utilize and maximize God’s Divine Power and Authority in its Church Governance and Church Administration as they observe UNITY and UNIFICATION as means of maintaining closest bonds between and among them and promote HARMONIOUS CO-EXISTENCE with fellow particular church congregations within the Body of Christ.

Section 7. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is a catholic evangelical[1], not fundamentalist congregation of believers, established within the Church of the One and Triune God in April 12, 2010 in the year of our Lord and at His Altar in this beautiful land, the Philippines.

Section 8. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is legally registered as EPISCOPAL SUPERIOR OF THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF STS. PETER AND PAUL, INC., thus, acquired JURIDICAL PERSONALITY, with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Republic of the Philippines, granted and issued Certificate of Incorporation with Company Registered Number CN201013717, Company TIN 007-858-205, dated August 26, 2010, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines.


             RULE OF LIFE

Rationale: To make known each element constitutive of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and

Paul as a clerical society of apostolic life.

Section 1. The purpose of the existence of the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul is to follow

Christ and be evangelized and take a full and active part in the work of Evangelization, which is

the very foundational reason for the existence of the Body of Christ, His Church (Ref. Pope Paul

VI, EVANGELII NUNTIANDI, paragraph 15, no. 2, which says, “The Church is an evangelizer.

…”). This purpose is achieved by responding to the vocation, which is divine in nature when,

faithful to the footsteps of the two Great Pillars of the Church, the Apostle Peter and Paul the

Apostle, the members individually and collectively:

Par 1.  Make every effort to put on the spirit of Christ Himself in order to acquire and live out the values of “Oneness with God”, “Holiness unto Him”, “Catholic in Faith”, and “Apostolic in Ministry” which are the very gauge of the ECCLESIALITY of this clerical society of apostolic life derived from the four marks of the “sole Church of Christ which in the Creed we profess to be One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic” (Ref. CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, PART ONE, Section 2, Chapter 3, Article 9, Paragraph 3);

Par 2. Work at evangelizing portions of the People of God, especially the poor, less fortunate and the abandoned mostly dwelling in the peripheries of human society, in remote places;

Par 3. Help themselves as ordained clergy and with the lay Christian faithful in their formation and lead them to a fuller participation in the life and mission of the Holy Mother Church.

            Section 2. With this purpose and vocation in view, the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, faithful to the Gospel, and always sensitive and attentive to the signs of the times and the more urgent calls of the Church while remaining determined to observe and follow the discipline and faith-witnessing of the Early Church in the apostolic times, should take care to open up ways and use means adapted to the circumstances of time and place and conditions of the people.  Moreover, it should strive to initiate, plan, and evaluate its works and ministries.

Section 3. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is a clerical society of apostolic

life in which the members pursue their apostolic purpose according to the patrimony of the Early

Church in the apostolic times and sanctioned by the Church.

Section 4. They live in effective solidarity and affective fellowship as brothers by following their prescribed RULE OF LIFE which is encapsulated and embodied in this fashion, namely, “Be One

with God”, “Be Holy unto the Lord”, Be Catholic in Faith” and “Be Apostolic in Ministry” and

humbly strive for simplicity, humility and conversion in life.

Section 5. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, according to the tradition set forth by the two Great Pillars of the Church, the Apostle Peter and Paul the Apostle, carries on its apostolic ministry driven by the Sacred Office of the Episcopacy, blessed and equipped it with VALID LINE OF UNBROKEN AND UNDIVIDED LINE OF APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION and VALID EUCHARIST, which it is in possession of, and working in close cooperation and collaboration with the bishops and clergy guided and governed by the Universal Law of the Church both The 1917 Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law and the 1983 Code of Canon Law and its proper law.

Section 6. In order to accomplish in a more effective manner and enduring fashion the purpose of

the existence of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, the members humbly translate their INTENT into their PLEDGE OF COMMITMENT to do the works of God, namely, the works of

Creation, the works of Redemption and works of Inspiration as inscribed in Holy Scriptures and

exercise with a sense of stability, consistency and maturity in view of and in accordance to its

Constitution and Statutes.

Section 7. In order that, with God’s grace, it could further achieve its purpose, the Missionary

Society of Saints Peter and Paul STRIVES to be filled with the sensitivity and attitudes of Christ

as written and demonstrated in the Gospel accounts.

Section 8. The SPIRIT and CHARISM of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, which is its extra-ordinary power given by the Holy Spirit to the members by virtue of their Baptism, which made them “spiritual children of God”, and by virtue of their Sacred Ordination to the Priesthood of Christ and/or Episcopal Consecration, which made them “ordained and consecrated people”, during which they have been graciously conferred with and received God’s Divine Power and Authority willed by Christ and meant for the good of the Church, His Mystical Body, Him being the Head, shall be taken and understood as a PARTICIPATION in and RESPONSE to the spirit and charism of Christ Himself who acknowledges the will of His Father for Him, written, thus, “He sent me to preach the Good News to the poor” (Luke 4:18). 

Section 9. Therefore, the spirit and charism of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul

comprise those attitudes and actions of Christ recommended to the members from the beginning, namely: “faithful submission and obedience to the Father”, “thoughtful compassion, mercy and love for the people”, and “docility to the divine providence” in their zealous endeavor to make present the Public Ministry of Christ for all peoples, in all places and at all times.

Section 10. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, furthermore, tries to express its spirit and charism in five foundational as well as practical areas in the life of the People of God, namely: Doctrinal, Sacramental, Liturgical, Canonical and Pastoral Life.

Section 11. All the members of this clerical society of apostolic life shall continuously strive for a deeper knowledge of this spirit and charism by re-orienting and re-directing themselves to the Gospel as made manifest and practiced in the Early Church during the apostolic times.

Section 12. Furthermore, the PURPOSE, VOCATION, CHARISM and RULE OF LIFE of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul form part of the general framework of its life-setting, organizational flow and missional journey of its members together with the portions of the People of God being ministered to.



Rationale: To set the three-fold phases normative of policies and patterns and formative of the full-pledged Fathers of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, namely, Membership, Discipleship and Stewardship.


Section 1. Membership in the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul is characterized by their ENGAGEMENT and INVOLVEMENT in the life and works of mission, which are the determining factors of their COMMITMENT to do the works entrusted by God.

Par 1.  Behavior unbecoming of an ordained or consecrated member shall not be tolerated by its Governing and Decision-making Body and shall be dealt with accordingly and correspondingly. Any unbecoming behavior willfully and deliberately committed by any member which incurs harm and damage to this clerical society of apostolic life shall by all means be subject to reparation and restitution. In case such act or behavior carries any legal implication, this clerical society of apostolic life shall free itself from any burdens or obligations. 

Par 2. Membership is open to all men who have gone through a deep discernment as to their vocation in life and have decided to enter into and go through the required and prescribed formation leading towards embracing the Sacred Priesthood of Christ and become a witness of it in the mission church communities as well as inside this clerical society of apostolic life.

Par 3. All Bishops and clerics of the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul, no doubt, are followers of Christ in imitation of the footsteps of the Two Great Pillars of the Church, namely, the Apostle Peter and Paul the Apostle who have been called by God to do His Mission (Missio Dei) here on earth in praise of Him, for the ministry of His Church and in the service of Humanity. They strive to respond to their vocation by exercising the threefold functions of their Sacred Office, namely, TEACHING, GOVERNING, and SANCTIFYING.

Par 4. All Bishops, Priests and Deacons of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul are assisted by lay collaborators in the work of missions. These lay collaborators are both men and women who have shown zeal for the works of God as they live out their Baptismal character and Confirmation seal and are being nourished by the Holy Eucharist and strengthened by their acts of piety in prayer.


Par 1. In humble submission to the mission of God, members of the Missionary Society of Saints

Peter and Paul intend for the Lord’s sake and commit themselves to evangelize portions of People

of God. Such intent and commitment should be substantiated by the virtues and vows of humility,

chastity, reverence, simplicity, poverty, and obedience. In this way, members open their hearts

more closely and widely to God and the portions of People of God, they are ministering to and

their determined way of acting becomes a fulfilling expression of their love for Christ and His


Par 2. Intimate union with Christ and in fraternal communion with the portions of People of God being ministered to should form part of the chastity and reverence members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul vow to themselves, live out and manifest. Through a consistent and mature response to the Lord’s call for mission, chastity and reverence shall contribute greatly to the realization of deep spirituality.

Par 3. Exemplified by Christ in His life and public ministry, He lived in poverty and had nowhere to lay his head and did not own anything, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul are exhorted, weak as they are, to imitate Christ in His simplicity and poverty. In doing so, they show that they depend entirely on and submit themselves to God.

Par 4. Mindful of the state and conditions of the portions of People of God, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul should demonstrate a style of life that is reflective of simplicity and poverty. Whatever is needed in support of the needs of the members in carrying out the work of missions should come as a joint effort of all. In this way, freed from selfish and self-centered desire for material riches, they could move on spiritually to pursue the missionary works.

Par 5. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul should use the goods and provisions for works of charity and for the needs of its members.

Par 6. Aware of the limits and limitations and trusting in the saving action of Christ, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul should strive, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to be obedient to the will of the Father. Obedience to the will of the Father is a mark of each and every member of this clerical society of apostolic life.

Par 7. Mindful of the canonical provision in Canon 273 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law which is the Universal Law of the Church, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul are “bound by a special obligation to show reverence and obedience to the Supreme Pontiff and their own ordinary”. This goes to show that members should strive to obey superiors. They should try by the light of faith to obey the instructions and the decisions of superiors though they think their own thoughts are better.

Par 8. Specifically, by virtue and vow of obedience, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul are obliged, “by special obligation,” to obey the Presiding Bishop, the Episcopal Superior, the Local Superior or those delegated by them and their successors when they give instructions and/or orders in accordance with the Constitution and Rule of Life, for the preservation of order within this clerical society of apostolic life.

Section 3. PRAYER LIFE

Par 1. As Christ, our Lord remained always in intimate union with His Heavenly Father with the end view of seeking the will of Him, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul should do likewise and remain in intimate union with His Father and our Father in prayer. This is with the belief that the will of the Father is best known and received in prayer. That is why Jesus teaches us always to pray always in the same spirit that He does and never to lose heart.

Par 2. Being sanctified in Christ and sent into the world, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul should, in prayer moments, strive to seek out the signs of God’s will. In this way, members become better disposed to take full and active participation in Christ’s mission.

Par 3. The experience of God in prayer makes whole the life of each and every member of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.

Par 4. The prayer of a missionary when done with humility and confidence in God opens one’s mind and heart to the knowledge and wisdom of God. The same Holy Spirit enlightens one’s mind and heart to know more thoroughly the needs of the portions of the People of God and strengthens one’s baptismal will to respond to them more sensitively and sensibly.

Par 5. The members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul should find a unique and distinct experience of prayer in the reading and reflection of the Word of God, in the celebration of and communion with the Holy Eucharist. Furthermore, in doing pastoral care for the people to whom we are sent, members ought to pray not only for them but also with them.

Par 6. The members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul should enhance and advance liturgical prayer in a way, which is both genuine and authentic, that is nourished by and directed towards the daily celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Par 7. The members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul should frequently approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that they might achieve fruitfulness of conversion and authenticity of vocation.

 Par 8. In praying the Liturgy of the Hours, the members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul humbly unite their hearts and voices to the Lord, raise their prayer continually to His sight, and intercede for people everywhere.

Par 9.  In community prayer, wherein the members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall wear a habit find an excellent way of renewing lives, especially when we celebrate the word of God and share it, or when in fraternal dialogue among themselves and with the lay Christian faithful, they share with one another the fruit of spiritual experience.

Par 10. The members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall strive to spend one hour daily in personal prayer. Each member is encouraged to pray for one fellow member of this clerical society of apostolic life at least once a week.

Par 11. The members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul should faithfully and thoughtfully make their annual retreat aside from their monthly recollection.

Par 12. As witnesses and ambassadors of the love of God, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul ought to show special honor and devotion to the mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation and special devotion be kept to the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ and of the Church and in Her Immaculate Conception and all the Saints and Angels in Heaven.

Par 13. The members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall be highly encouraged to embrace A PERSONAL DEVOTION such as, Eucharistic adoration, Daily celebration of the holy mass, constant prayer of the Holy Rosary, praying for the Poor souls in purgatory, etc.  to strengthen his own spiritual life and to grow in charity.


Par 1. Unless the contrary is evident and obvious from the nature of the case, all Bishops and clerics of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall enjoy the rights, privileges, and spiritual favors granted according to the norm of universal law of the Holy Mother Church and our proper law.

Par 2. All clerics incardinated into the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall enjoy the

same rights and are bound by the same duties and obligations according to the norm of universal

law of the Holy Mother Church and our proper law.

Par 3. According to universal law of the Holy Mother Church and our proper law, clerics incardinated into the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul enjoy the right of active and passive voice, unless they have lost it according to the norm of law.

Par 4. Clerics who have been incardinated into the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul for more than seven years and who are now fifty years of age or more, will have the right of passive voice to all offices and duties, provided that the other conditions laid down in the universal law of the Holy Mother Church and our proper law are present.

Par 5. Clerics of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, besides the obligations to which

they are held according to our proper law, are also bound by the common obligations of clerics as

stated in the universal law of the Holy Mother Church in canons 273-289 especially in regard to

wearing Ecclesiastical dress (canon 284) and to praying the liturgy of the hours (canon 276).

Par 6. Every month each cleric should offer Mass for the living and dead of the entire family of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul as well as for parents, relatives, and benefactors, adding a special intention for the preservation of the spirit and charism of this clerical society of apostolic life.


Par 1. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall observe a distinct and unique form of communal life by a thoughtful observance of fraternal care and concern for and among members.

Par 2. Gathered in fraternal solidarity and inspired by the spirit of the Father’s love for all, in the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, we express that same love in our own life as Christ called His apostles and disciples and shared a fraternal life with them. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we strive to build up a unity among ourselves so we could offer credible witness to Christ, Head of the Church.

Par 3. Fraternal life has been a special characteristic of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul. When blessed and equipped by the Lord with a communal house, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul should live in a house or in a legitimately constituted community in accordance and observance of the house rules prescribed by whoever is designated the task to oversee and manage it.

Par 4. This fraternal life being observed or lived together shall continuously be fostered in mission church communities to render the work of evangelization more effective.

Par 5. In the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, it is the gift of ourselves which ought to be treasured that will truly make us visible and tangible in church communities whether regional or local. However, respectful consideration should be given to personal privacy and confidentiality to the furtherance of individual worth. In this way, the individuality and worth of each member shall foster fraternal life and make the works of mission more effective and worth doing for the Lord’s sake.

Par 6. The members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall strive to live fraternal life driven by love so that it will contribute to the support of the works of mission either foreign or local. Therefore, members shall strive to live in harmony by supporting one another especially in difficulties, trials, tribulations, challenges both personal and in mission by sharing what one can do and capable of in simplicity of heart. Moreover, mutual dialogue should be fostered. Respectful attention to the opinions and needs of others should be humbly and fraternally rendered.  Fraternal correction should be gently carried out with the end view of achieving restoration and/or reconciliation with one another.

Par 7.  In the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, due care shall be shown to create the quality conditions necessary for study, work, prayer, rest and relaxation.

Par 8. The Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul shall take the initiative and responsibility for its own development, nourishment, and enrichment doctrinally, liturgically, sacramentally, canonically and pastorally.

Par 9. Sick, infirm, and aging members shall have a special place in the heart of the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul since their presence is a blessing to us all. Consequently, besides medical care and personal attention, the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall provide them the means necessary to live out the gift of life God has blessed and equipped them with. our sick and aging brothers, who are united in a special way with the sufferings of Christ, are unison and in cooperation with the rest of us in the works of evangelization. We should take care of them and provide what is best for them.

Par 10. For its members who have died, the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall faithfully offer perpetual prayers for the repose of their souls and for the remission of their sins.

Par 11. For those members who have wished and decided to live alone for whatever personal reasons they may have shall take the initiative and find a way to spend some time with their brother missionaries so that they might experience the benefits of fraternal life. However, brother missionaries should remain close to them and in communication with them to ease their loneliness.

Par 12. In the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, members shall strive to help those fellow brother missionaries who are struggling with problems and show brotherly and timely concern.

Par 13. Social security shall be acquired for and be given to the members by the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul. They should have adequate insurance against dangers of various kinds and illnesses.  

Par 14. Each mission church community shall come up with a work plan in aid of developing a community of properly educated Christian faithful in the Catholic faith. This work plan should serve as a means of providing guidance and direction to the missionaries in spending life in the church community and in their engagement with the people in the community.

Par 15. The work plan which each mission church community draws up for itself should encompass and embody the Rule of Life of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul and its defined areas, namely, its Doctrinal, Sacramental, Liturgical, Canonical and Pastoral Life. Such should be assessed, enhanced and advanced periodically.


Par 1. Promoting of vocations in the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul demands of us constant and consistent prayer (Mt 9:37) and the authentic, full, and joyful testimony of apostolic and community life, especially for adolescents and young people, for the development of their own faith.

Par 2. All Bishops, Priests, and Deacons of the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul shall actively engage themselves in encouraging men to become ordained or lay collaborators in Church mission.

Par 3. All Bishops, Priest and Deacons of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall seek out the more effective means of promoting and supporting vocations and draw up a strategic plan and approaches suitable for this.


Par 1. Universal law of the Holy Mother Church and our proper law are to be observed and followed concerning the departure and dismissal of Bishops, Priests and Deacons be it for a just or grave cause.

Par 2. An applicant who is not yet incorporated into the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul can freely leave, manifesting his intention to the Presiding Bishop or Superior.

Par 3. The Presiding Bishop or Superior can, with the consent of the Governing Body and for a just cause, grant to a cleric departure from the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul and dispense him from his obligations according to the norm of canon 743 as provided for in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, the Universal Law of the Holy Mother Church.

Par 4. A cleric already incorporated into the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul and who dissociates himself from it and from the authority of the Presiding Bishop or Superior should be sought out with fraternal concern by the Presiding Bishop or Superior and given proper guidance so that he may persevere in his vocation. However, if the cleric does not return after six months, he shall be deprived of his right to active and passive voice and he can be dismissed by a decree of the Superior.

Par 5. A cleric is to be understood automatically dismissed from the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul and dismissal from the clerical state if he has willfully and notoriously abandoned the Catholic faith. In such a case, the Presiding Bishop or the Superior together with the Governing Body, after gathering together all the proofs and evidences, shall immediately make a declaration of the fact so that the dismissal is juridically established according to the norm of canon 694 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, the Universal Law of the Holy Mother Church.

Par 6. A cleric must be dismissed according to what is established in canons 695, 696, 698, and 699 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, the Universal Law of the Holy Mother Church. In the case of grave external scandal or of extremely grave and imminent harm to the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul, a cleric can be immediately expelled from this clerical society of apostolic life by the Presiding Bishop or Superior or, if there is danger in delay, by the local superior, with the consent of his council, according to the norm of canon 703 of the same 1983 Code of Canon Law. 

 Par 7. The decree of dismissal should be communicated to the cleric concerned and he should be given the option of having recourse to the same Presiding Bishop or Superior within ten days from the reception of notification. The recourse has a suspensive effect. For the decree of dismissal to have force, canon 700 must be observed.

Par 8. A cleric who has been dismissed or has freely left the Society shall have no right to ask for compensation and/or remuneration for the time he spent and contributions he gave to the Society be it directly or to his assigned posts as part of his duties and obligations as an active member of the Society of Saints Peter and Paul.

Par 8. The authority to readmit a cleric into the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul lies in the power of the decision of the COUNCIL (Ordo Episcoporum) headed by the Presiding Bishop.


Section 1. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall adapt DISCIPLESHIP as a

WAYOF LIFE in aid of forming clerics to become suitable to carry on Church mission here in the

Philippines and in foreign lands.

Section 2. Those in formation shall therefore, enrich themselves daily in the knowledge

and wisdom of God provided for and learned from the Sacred Instructions inscribed in Holy


Section 3. Those in the mandated stage of formation embracing such way of life are to be educated in the Word of God, Sacraments and prayer both communal and personal.

Section 4. Those in the mandated stage of formation are to complete those curricula and/or

modular studies that are set forth by the mind of the Church.

Section 5.  Those in the mandated stage of formation are to be brought, at suitable times, each

according to his level of formation and ability, into pastoral immersion and exposure. In this way,

each will be better able to explore his own specific vocation within the Missionary Society of

Saints Peter and Paul in accord with his own personal talents.

Section 6. Those in the mandated stage of formation shall be given the occasion to go through the

different facets of discipleship training and successive stages.

Section 7. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall establish a formation commission to initiate continuing plans and programs both informative and formative of clerics become much more mature for church mission.


Rationale: To provide clerics of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul and those who avail of the academic programs this School of Theology offers DEGREES IN ECLESIASTICAL STUDIES in aid of enhancing and advancing PROFESSIONALISM in the exercise of priestly office and/or ministerial functions.

Par 1. For admission into the Dominus Iesus School of Theology, applicants should manifest, among the mandated requirements, SIGNS by which they may be discerned and thought of as having the aptitude or natural ability to pursue and live out the CHARISM and RULE OF LIFE of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul capsulated in this fashion, namely, One with God, Holy unto the Lord, Catholic in Faith and Apostolic in Ministry.

Par 2. The School of Theology is a space in time in which those who have been admitted and are in the initial stage of their life and mission in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and, with the help of the community and their MENTORS, recognize more accurately and zealously their RESPONSE to God’s Divine Vocation.

Par 3. Therefore, the whole thrust of the School of Theology shall be that the students will  acquire a maximum degree of maturity, be progressively initiated into a proper and much broader horizon of understanding the Priesthood of Christ and experience of the apostolic life and Church and come to a deeper experience of God, especially in moments of prayer.

Par 4. In order to achieve the whole thrust of the School of Theology and reap its fruits, the students accompanied by their mentors and inspired by the community they are into should demonstrate an in-depth sensitivity and sensibility, a strong sense of responsibility and accountability done with every inch of transparency for the Lord’s sake and for the benefit of human society and the world in general.

Par 5.   Since the formation of students depends equally on suitable educators, they themselves should be blessed and be equipped with solid and sound doctrine, broad pastoral experience, and developed expertise in their own field of study.

Par 6. Both educators and students shall form a genuine and authentic teaching and learning environment within the School of Theology that is open to mutual trust and understanding while maintaining a productive line of communication that is constant and consistent.

Par 7. The School of Theology, as the center of formation, shall provide the necessary assistance for those engaged in different works from within while engaging themselves actively in the works of the apostolate.


Section 1: The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul provides Bishops, priests and deacons an orientation and proper disposition to the mission of God.   

Par 1. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul from the time of its Foundation on April 12, 2010, sees itself called by God to carry out the work of evangelizing portions of the People of God particularly those in the peripheries of human society. In its own way, it can, in submission to the Magisterium of the Holy Mother Church, existing in harmony with other particular churches and working in close collaboration with long established Archdioceses, Dioceses and parishes within the whole Mystical Body of Christ, His Church, live a “state of life”, pursue a “way of life” and enjoy “growth in life” while remaining in the mighty hands of God, nourished by His grace, sacraments and the Holy Eucharist and empowered by His Spirit. Furthermore, the members, individually and collectively, shall humbly and rightly be driven by the words of Jesus, saying: “I must preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God for which I have been sent” (Lk 4:43).

Par 2. In the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul, the members’ ONENESS WITH GOD, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD, CATHOLICITY IN FAITH and APOSTOLIC IN MINISTRY, the RULE OF LIFE being encapsulated, are the chief source and resources for a more creative and productive acts of evangelizing, for a more redemptive and reconciling works of evangelized people, and for a more inspiring and empowering tasks of furthering the task of evangelization. Given the varying circumstances, time and place, consecrated Bishops and ordained Clerics should strive for this that all, through a process of conversion and/or transformation in life, would be and become humble and faithful servants of God in His Vineyard.

Par 3. These are the traits to be borne in mind and kept at heart, which the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul highly and favorably seeks to carry out:

1° determined and expressed preferences for the apostolic ministry mutually carried out together with and among portions of the People of God, particularly, those in the peripheries and remote places of human society;

2° sensitive and sensible to the realities of present-day society, especially to the factors that cause inequalities and injustices seen and observable in human society;

3° sharing in the conditions of the portions of the People of God being ministered to so that members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul may in turn be evangelized as well by them;

4° guided and led by the Spirit of God in all apostolic works, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall be supported by one another in the promotion of Christian vocation;

5° being zealous and ready to go to any part of the world, the members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul carry with them God’s Divine Power and Authority which they have been conferred with and received during their Sacred Ordination to the Priesthood of Christ and during their Consecration to the Order of Bishops;

6° aiming and striving to live in a state of continuous conversion and transformation, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul are exhorted and counseled: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Rm 12:2);

Par 4. The Apostolic Vicariates, their Rectorates and Parishes will decide the forms of mission initiatives and engagements to be undertaken in their respective areas so that their works in the mission may foster communal participation and involvement which will measure and determine their commitment to the mission of God and in accordance to the mission initiatives of this clerical society of apostolic life.

Par 5. Church’s missions are to be earnestly promoted in accordance to the footsteps of the Two Great Pillars of the Church, namely, the Apostle Peter and Paul the Apostle. In the course of time, the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall undertake the work of the missions according to circumstances of time and place, searching for all possible means to give this work maximum vitality to build up a true Christian community in the mission area as it awakens the faith of the Christian faithful.

Nota Bene: In the modern world, secular ideologies of atheism and materialism strongly challenge and perverse the Catholic Faith. Therefore, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul should carefully study the reasons and causes of these phenomena and make a firm stand as they give witness to a much stronger personal faith in the living God.

Par 6. The formation of clerics in DOMINUS IESUS SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, the seminary established by the ORDO EPISCOPORUM and the Governing and Decision-making Body of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, is a necessity and a requirement “sine qua non” to the existence of this clerical society of apostolic life. The DOMINUS IESUS SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY shall have an inherent mandate to prepare seminarians to become priests and equip them with a deep knowledge and understanding of the Priesthood of Christ and His Church, His Mystical Body and its immense relevance to the movements of the world. In addition, MSSPP priests being graciously formed and educated shall be afforded and accorded sufficient opportunities for spiritual nourishment and enrichment believing that the spiritual is not a mere dimension of their life but has dominion over their life.

Par 7. Foreign missions and missions to people in a similar stage of evangelization are to be honored as one among the apostolic works of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul. In building up ecclesial communities, this clerical society of apostolic life shall pay special attention to planting the “seeds of the Word”.

Par 8. Since the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shares in common the same patrimony of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, its members shall willingly show a brotherly spirit of cooperation in those works which have been undertaken by other member-parts of the Mystical Body of Christ.

Par 9. Following the Good Samaritan of the gospel parable (Lk 10:30-37), the consecrated Bishops and ordained clerics of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul and the Christian faithful ministered to and formed shall give effective help/assistance to the abandoned and rejected by society and those who are victims of disasters and injustices of every kind. They should also assist those who suffer from forms of material poverty and misery. Working for all of these and with them, they shall endeavor to work for the demands of social justice and evangelical charity.

Par 10. In the promotion of apostolic initiatives, members of the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul shall willingly work in fraternal cooperation and collaboration with each other and with the lay Christian faithful ministered to and being formed into portions of the People of God.

Par 11. Missionaries, both ordained and lay shall seek inter-religious and ecumenical dialogue believing that the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is to keenly observe HARMONIOUS CO-EXISTENCE with other particular churches and religious communities.

Par 12. Concerning the work of foreign missions, the following standards should be observed:

1° in a spirit of shared-responsibility, regional church mission centers, whether on their own initiative or at the invitation of the Presiding Bishop and Episcopal Superior, shall give mutual assistance in whatever capacity or means available and affordable;

2° in the spirit of transparent-accountability, regional church mission centers should take wise and proper account of their mission endeavors and their missionaries working and ministering as workers in the Lord’s Vineyard;

3° in the spirit of Godly-inspired voluntarism, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall be offered the possibility of helping the work of the missions in foreign lands as a practical and fraternal way in undertaking the work of evangelization there;

4° in the spirit of mutual sharing, members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall be encouraged to share in the regional and local propagation and promotional work for the missions.

Par 13. For an effective and efficient, creative and productive works in foreign missions, the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul shall willfully and carefully prepare missionaries both ordained and lay Christian faithful to undertake the special works there by orienting them to the knowledge of the reality of the regions being considered where they will do missions so that the works to be initiated, accomplished and fulfilled may effectively meet the needs of the ecclesiastical region.

Par14. Regional and local ecclesial meetings and conferences should be fostered for the purpose of deepening experiential-knowledge of the vocation and work of missionaries and be of great help

to and among themselves for a more effective and efficient approaches to responding to the actual

conditions and circumstances affecting the lives of the people.

Par 15. It pertains to the region and local mission centers, according to circumstances, to establish norms and standards governing social action programs in aid determining concrete means for enhancing and advancing moves in the promotion of social justice.

Par 16. Missionaries, both ordained and lay, shall also take moves into account in accordance to the social teachings of the Holy Mother Church that would address and act in the promotion of the defense of human rights and the promotion of justice and peace in the region and local church mission communities.

Par 17. Recognizing and valuing the great importance and impact of education for children, youth and adults, the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul shall take up, put weight on and integrate evangelization into the framework of education. This work shall be carried out, however, not only in schools of various kinds, but also within the family circle, in places of work, and across the whole spectrum of society, wherever young people and adults spend their time.

Par 18. Among the means/methods to be used by the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul in its work of evangelization is the digital media of social communication vis-à-vis its various platforms for the purpose of spreading the Gospel of Christ.



Rationale: To put in place the guiding principles governing the Sacred Offices which the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is in possession of and through which an effective and efficient flow and delivery of the goods of the Church and provisions of God for His people would take place.



Par 1. By virtue of the Unbroken and Undivided Line of Apostolic Succession which the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is in possession of, blessed and equipped with brought about by the validity of the Episcopal Consecration of its Bishops, the Sacred Office of the Episcopacy, then, becomes its source of power and strength of its government.

Par 2. All Bishops, Priests and deacons of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, since they have been called and commissioned to labor for the promotion and perpetuation of the mission of Christ, have the right and responsibility of working together for the good of the portions of the People of God being entrusted and of participating in Church Governance and Church Administration. Consequently, members shall cooperate actively and responsibly in accepting assignments, undertaking apostolic ministries and carrying out instructions or commands.

Par 3. Those conferred upon with Sacred Office and vested with its corresponding authority, which comes from God, and those who have part in this exercise of authority in any way, shall fix their eyes on the Good Shepherd as their model who came not to be served but to serve.

Par 4. They shall, therefore, engage in mutual dialogue with members while holding on to the

authority they are vested upon for the Lord’s sake.

Par 5. The unity and centrality of government, which is necessary to achieve the purpose of God for His Church and to fulfill the good of this clerical society of apostolic life, must, absolutely, be preserved and cared for. 


Section 1. God’s divine power and authority conferred upon and received by the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul shall be utilized and maximized for a more creative and productive Church Governance.

Par 1. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul has two unique and distinct sections in Church Governance, namely, THE ORDO EPISCOPORUM solely composed of validly CONSECRATED BISHOPS and ORDO CONSULTORUM mainly composed of canonically installed HONORARY PRELATES bearing the honorary title of REVEREND MONSIGNOR.

Par 2. The ORDO EPISCOPORUM, equipped with a DELIBERATIVE VOICE, is the DECISION-MAKING BODY the action of whom is done after having done the process of consultation with the members of the ORDO CONSULTORUM, a body equipped with a CONSULTATIVE VOICE.

Par 3. In the making of DECREES OF CANONICAL RECOGNITION, CREATION AND ERECTION OF APOSTOLIC VICARIATES, PARISHES, RECTORATES and MISSION COMMUNITIES, granting and issuance of CANONICAL APPOINTMENTS, nomination, done after series of consultations, of priests to the ORDER OF BISHOPS shall be the principal task of the ORDO EPISCOPORUM.

Par 4. Apostolic Vicariates, Parishes, Rectorates and Mission Communities form part of Church Governance and are portions of the People of God where God’s divine power and authority are to be faithfully exercised over by the appointed Apostolic Vicar or Apostolic Administrator for Apostolic Vicariate, Parish Rector for the Parish, Rector for the Rectorate and Missionary Priest for Mission Communities.

Par 5. The granting and issuance of MINISTERIAL FACULTIES and CELEBRET to clerics shall be the principal responsibility of the Apostolic Vicar or Apostolic Administrator of a canonically created and erected Apostolic Vicariate of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul. The Presiding Bishop for its authentication shall attest such grant and issuance for the LICIT exercise of the priestly office.

Par 6. The exercise of MINISTERIAL FACULTIES is to be understood as an exercise of God’s divine power and authority aimed at TEACHING, SANCTIFYING and GOVERNING the People of God.

Par 7. To ultimately promote and protect the SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS, the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul through the ORDO EPISCOPORUM and in consultation with the ORDO CONSULTORUM, shall, without any hesitation, initiate and implement protective measures.

Par 8. The SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS shall only be conferred upon and received by those who have gone through stages of INTELLECTUAL, SPIRITUAL, and PASTORAL formation prescribed and conducted by the DOMINUS IESUS SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, the seminary canonically recognized by the North American Old Roman Catholic Church UTRECHT SUCCESSION Archdiocese of California.

Par 9. Having conferred and received the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the ordained clergy of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall be granted and issued the MINISTERIAL FACULTIES and CELEBRET for the LICIT exercise of the priestly office.

Par 10. The MINISTERIAL FACULTIES are to be strictly treasured as SACRED and are to be exercised for the building up of the portion of the People of God assigned to the clergy himself. In doing so, this will have a good and positive impact on an effective and productive church governance. They are not to be used for PERSONAL or SECULAR GAINS. Otherwise, such forfeits the purpose of its grant and issuance.

Par 11. The CELEBRET granted and issued to the clergy is meant to assure that the BEARER is a validly ordained Old Roman Catholic Priest of the Missionary Society of Sts. Peter and Paul of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church UTRECHT SUCCESSION Archdiocese of California and is free from canonical censures and this shall be shown to the local Ordinary of the place or Superior of the congregation where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is to be celebrated to ensure that he has the PERMISSION to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the place outside of the jurisdiction where he properly belongs. With this, both ecclesiastical jurisdictions are given their utmost respect, which would, in effect, enhance the dignity and integrity of Church Governance where each promotes order, not confusion, in the Mystical Body of Christ, His Church. 

Par 12. For clerics coming from another ecclesiastical jurisdiction who wish to transfer to the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church UTRECHT SUCCESSION Archdiocese of California and who have the pure intent to continue exercising their priestly office, this clerical society of apostolic life shall provide them sufficient space and time for orientation and immersion into the spirit and charism of the Old Roman Catholicism and develop sound as well as proper disposition to the Constitution of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.


Section 1. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul creates, establishes and stabilizes various commissions in aid of a more creative, productive, much effective and efficient Church Administration that would facilitate the flow and delivery of the goods of the Church and the provisions of God for His people so that the DOCTRINAL, SACRAMENTAL, LITURGICAL, CANONICAL and PASTORAL LIFE of the parish, rectorate and mission centers will be built up, strengthened and sustained for the glory of God.

Par 1. The ORDO EPISCOPORUM in consultation with the ORDO CONSULTORUM shall exercise power over the entire Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul both in its life and operations.

Par 2. Upon the mandate of the ORDO EPISCOPORUM, the Bishops, Priests and Deacons and of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul through an organized convocation which was themed and guided by THE AGGIORNAMENTO held in April 28 and 29 in Year 2023 at JACAH FARM RESORT, Alfonso, Province of Cavite, Philippines, created various commissions composite of and constitutive of its Church Administration.

 Par 3. These various commissions that were being created were filled in with servant-workers, were asked and tasked to come up with their Vision and Mission Statement and Plan of Actions to be implemented within a period of three years.

 Par 4. The servant-workers to take charge of the various commissions were commissioned and were sent off to do and fulfill their apostolic ministries during the Solemn Rite of Commissioning held at the Santuario de San Roque Parish, situated at 750 Leo Street, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines dated May 27, 2023 on the Vesper of Pentecost Sunday.

Section 5. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, then, was blessed and equipped with the following commissions, namely:

                        1. Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith and Morals

                        2. Commission on the Promotion of Priestly Vocations

                        3. Commission on Clergy and Lay Formation

                        4. Commission on Pastoral Ministry and Chaplaincies

                        5. Commission on Compliance

                        6. Commission on Liturgy, Sacraments and Sacramental

                        7. Commission on Social Communication

                        8. Commission on Family, Youth and Children

                        9. Commission on Canons and Discipline

                        10. Commission on Social Action

                        11. Commission on Bible Apostolate

                        12, Commission for Temporalities

                        13. Secretariat for the Commissions


Section 1. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul puts in place and in operation the Sacred Offices to be conferred upon and exercised by validly consecrated Bishops, canonically installed Honorary Prelates who are validly ordained priests and by those who have received the Sacrament of Holy Orders. 

Par 1. The Presiding Bishop, inspired by the zeal and driven by the footsteps of the Two Great Pillars of the Church, the Apostle Peter on Church Governance and Paul the Apostle on Church Mission, exercises the following ministerial functions, namely:

Par 2. He presides over the life and operations of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.

Par 3.  He exercises oversight and pastoral care over all the portions of the People of God entrusted.

Par 4.  He, too, presides over the works of the ORDO EPISCOPORUM and promotes the spirit of COLLEGIALITY between and among Bishops both from within and from without the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.

Par 5. The Sacred Office of the Presiding Bishop is the center of unity and coordination of all Sacred Offices at work in and with the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul and is a source of spiritual motivation for apostolic activity in the Church. 

Par 6. The Presiding Bishop has ordinary power according to the norm of universal law and of our proper law.

Par 7. Both the ORDO EPISCOPORUM and ORDO CONSULTORUM elect the Presiding Bishop of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul by a majority vote.

Par 8. For the VALIDITY of the election of the Presiding Bishop of the Missionary Society of

Saints Peter and Paul, the qualifications required by universal law and by our proper law are to be


Par 9. For the LICIETY of the exercise of the Sacred Office of the Presiding Bishop of the

Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, the Metropolitan Archbishop of the North American

Old Roman Catholic Church UTRECHT SUCCESSION Archdiocese of California shall issue a


Par 10. The Presiding Bishop of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is elected and

shall hold office for a term of six years. He can be re-elected for a second and last six-year term.

Par 11. The six-year term or the second and last six-year term shall be considered to have been

completed at the time the newly elected successor is declared and announced. In response, the

newly elected successor accepts the Sacred Office in the presence of all the members of both the


Section 2: The Executive Secretary of the ORDO EPISCOPORUM is tasked with the following functions, namely:

Par 1. To assists the Presiding Bishop in those things, which are to be written for the whole ORDO EPISCOPORUM and significant to the life and operations of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.

Par 2. To attend meetings of the ORDO EPISCOPORUM because of his office in order to take minutes, but without a vote unless he himself is a Bishop.

Par 3. If the Executive Secretary is impeded from fulfilling his duties, the Presiding Bishop can temporarily appoint in his place one of the assistants or officers or co-workers.

Section3.  The Apostolic Vicar, acting in behalf of the Presiding Bishop, is tasked with the following functions, namely:

Par 1. The ORDO EPISCOPORUM appoints the Apostolic Vicar for a term of six years.

Par 2. The Apostolic Vicar is put in charge of an Apostolic Vicariate to govern it according to the norm of Universal law and our proper law.

Par 3. The Apostolic Vicar shall create his Council of Priests in aid of church governance and administration.

Par 4. The Apostolic Vicar, with the consent of his Council of Priests, according to the norm of our proper law, may appoint his Vicar General.

Par 5.  It is the functions of the Apostolic Vicar: 

1° to promote the observance of the Constitution of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.

2° with the consent of his council, to enact ordinances for the good of the Apostolic Vicariate;

3° with the consent of his council, and having consulted the Presiding Bishop, to establish Rectorates and parishes and constitute basic ecclesial communities within the boundaries of the Apostolic Vicariate.

4° to convoke and preside over the Vicarial convocation according to the norm of our proper law and to promulgate the norms for the good of the Apostolic Vicariate; 

Section 4. The Vicar General to the Apostolic Vicar

Par 1. The Vicar General helps the Apostolic Vicar and substitutes for him when he is away or impeded, according to the norm of our proper law. 

Par 2. In the absence of the Apostolic Vicar, the Vicar General has the authority of the Apostolic Vicar unless the Apostolic Vicar has reserved some matter to himself. 

Par 3. If the Apostolic Vicar is impeded, the Vicar General substitutes for him with full authority until the impediment ceases. The ORDO EPISCOPORUM makes the judgment concerning the impediment with the Vicar General present. 

Par 4. When the office of Apostolic Vicar is vacant for whatever reason, the Vicar General automatically becomes the Apostolic Administrator until the completion of the six-year term.

Par 5. If for any reason whatsoever there should cease to be a Vicar General, the Apostolic Vicar, with the consent of his council, should as soon as possible appoint a vicar general from among his clergies. 

Par 6. The vicar general ceases to hold office according to the norm of universal law and of our proper law.

Section 4. Officers of the Governing Body, CONSULTATIVE in nature and function, except when electing the Presiding Bishop.

Par 1. – The Governing Body of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is composed of the Episcopal Superior and his Council.

Par 2. The Council is composed of Honorary Prelates and each are tasked with the following functions, namely:

A. Council Secretary, to take charge of putting in place all papers and documents of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, keeper of the MSSPP Archives.

B. Council Procurator, to take charge of the finances of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, oversees the financial movement and strictly controls the cash flow, prepares the budget, finds ways to raise other resources for this clerical society of apostolic life, prepares a monthly financial report.

C. Prefect of Discipline, to strictly implement the Rule of Life of the Missionary Society of Saints. Peter and Paul and provide disciplinary remedies to irregularities that may arise within the Society.

D. Spiritual Director, to provide spiritual guidance to all members of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.

E. Vocation Director, to initiate plans, programs and projects that would promote priestly vocations and increase number of vocations for the Missionary Society of Sts. Peter and Paul in support of its missions.

F. Pastoral Moderator, to initiate plans, programs and projects that would foster zeal for the mission of all members for pastoral care inside and outside.

G. Liaison Officer takes charge of communication and cooperation, which facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations.

Par 3. Council officers shall remain in office at the desire of the Episcopal Superior and with the consent of his council; by reason of their office they belong to the Governing Body. 

Par 4. They can participate in the meetings called for by the ORDO EPISCOPORUM for discussion and deliberation on matters, issues and concerns of the church but without vote.

Section 5. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall create, establish, stabilize and sustain a Church Tribunal primarily to safeguard this clerical society of apostolic life and the Mystical Body of Christ from the evil forces destructive of Her internal life as well as of Her external operations.

Par 1. This Church Tribunal is not punitive in character but is restorative, reconciling and redemptive as we give utmost importance to the Supreme Law of the Church, which is the SALUS ANIMARUM, THE SALVATION OF SOULS. 

Par 2. To put this into effect, this Church Tribunal shall exhort, encourage and enjoin penitents to become repentant and receive the mercy of God in its fullest measure.

Par 3. Though this Church Tribunal shall hold on to what Romans 11: 22 says, “Behold, therefore, the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in His goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off”.


Section 1: The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul is intent to establish, stabilize, sustain and magnify portions of the People of God in response to our battle-cry “MISSIO DEI, VISIO ECCLESIAE”.

Par 1. Apostolic Vicariates, certain portion of the People of God which has not yet been established as a diocese due to special circumstances and which, to be shepherded, is entrusted to an Apostolic Vicar who governs it in the name of the Presiding Bishop. [Concept referred to Canon 371 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law]

Par 2. Parishes, stable and permanent portions of the People of God, a composite part of the Apostolic Vicariate, situated in a definite territory, which includes all our faithful living in that territory, and is shepherded by a Parish Rector who governs them in the name of the Apostolic Vicar.     

Par 3. Rectorates, small portions of the People of God composite of the Apostolic Vicariate situated in a definite territory, which includes all our faithful living in that territory, and is shepherded by a Rector whogovernsit in the name of the Apostolic Vicar.

Par 4. Basic Ecclesial Communities, basic ecclesial units of the portions of the People of God that are composite of the Rectorate and Parishes, which are headed and ministered to by Coordinators working under the guidance of the Pastoral Council with oversight by the Rector.


Section 1. CONVOCATIONS IN GENERAL: The Fathers and Christian faithful of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul come together and together we come filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to listen and reflect on the Holy Scriptures, Teachings of the Holy Mother Church, Magisterium of the Church, Writings of the Church Fathers and Canons of the Church as we consider a variety of experiences in the witness of our Catholic Faith. 

Par 1. Convocations in general, the task of which is to preserve and conserve deep spirituality and apostolic vitality of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul to be held annually.

Par 2. Superiors and members should prepare for the convocations, earnestly participate in them, and faithfully observe and put in practice the norms, policies and procedures established by them.

Par 3. Before and during the convocations there is to be fostered free dissemination of information regarding the matters to be taken up and be decided.

Par 4. When the business meetings of the convocation are finished and done, the acts of the convocation approved by the participants are to be signed by the Chairperson of the Convocation, by its Moderator and by all participants. Sealed, these Acts are to be preserved diligently in the archives of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.

Par 5. The Convocation through the ORDO EPISCOPORUM has the right and duty of making declarations, which have significant impact to the DOCTRINAL, LITURGICAL, SACRAMENTAL, CANONICAL and PASTORAL LIFE of the various portions of the People of God.

Par 6. The following are to be present at the Convocation, namely:

1° the Presiding Bishop, Bishops, Honorary Prelates, Episcopal Superior, Apostolic Vicars, Vicar General and clerics;

2° the Christian faithful from all Apostolic Vicariates inclusive of Parishes, Rectorates, mission centers and communities.

 Par 7. Before the Convocation, the Presiding Bishop with the ORDO EPISCOPORUM should appoint a Secretariat or a preparatory commission at an opportune time with the recommend tasks, namely: 

1° to inquire and solicit from the various portions of the People of God and from individual members what, in their judgment, are the more pressing and urgent issues and concerns and what approaches should be used to deal with them during the Convocation;

2.° after receiving the responses, to select, when necessary, the matters that are more urgent and more pressing are to be forwarded to the Secretariat before the holding of convocation.

4° organize all the materials and come up with a working document;

Par 8. The Convocation, then, shall COMMENCE.


Section 1. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall come up with ways and means that are protective and evaluative of the temporal goods.

Par 1. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul possesses temporal goods for pastoral and community needs and in support for the service of God and the poor motivated by Gospel values.

Par 2. Since all goods are provisions of God for His people, members are co-responsible, according to the norm of law, for the legitimate acquisition, proper administration, and just use of these temporal goods.

Section 2. Apostolic Vicariates, parishes, rectorates are capable of acquiring, possessing, administering, and alienating temporal goods. Superiors at the various levels are the legal representatives, even before the civil authority, unless it has been provided otherwise.

Par 3. The sources of temporal goods are the works and fruits of labors of the members and other legitimate means in the acquisition of temporal goods. 

Par 4. The Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall conscientiously reflect on, wholeheartedly embrace, and faithfully and firmly practice the following:

1° restore that simplicity of life-style;

2° an effective care and management to use its goods to promote social justice and pastoral charity;

3° the sharing of superfluous goods in favor of and to the advantage of the poor.

Par 5. Apostolic Vicariates, parishes, rectorates and mission communities shall share their temporal goods with others;

Par 6. Goods, which are entrusted to the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul only for their management, are to be administered under the direction and vigilance of the ORDO EPISCOPORUM with the assistance of the Governing Body.

Par 7. Members assigned to the management of such temporal goods administer and manage them in a way that would make provision for the appropriate support and assistance of members and provide adequate means for their apostolic ministries and for charitable works.

Par 8. The goods of the mission communities are to be administered by the respective treasurers under the direction and vigilance of the Rectors with their councils, within the limits of universal law and our proper law and according to the principle of subsidiarity. 

Par 9. Administrators shall be reminded and remember that they are only stewards, not owners, of the temporal goods of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.

Par 10. They shall share these goods suitable to the status of missionary Bishops and clergies. Moreover, they should always act according to just civil laws, as well as according to the norms and spirit of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul.

Par 11. Administrators should provide wholeheartedly for the needs of all the members and in all matters, which concern their life, particular office, and apostolic ministry.

Par 12. Administrators should observe equality in the distribution of goods to promote community life among the members. They should also provide for the individual needs of members.

Par 13. Treasurers/Oeconomus must give an account to superiors and keep the members well informed of their administration.

Par 14. With due respect, an accounting of receipts and expenditures and a report on the status of the goods are to be examined and evaluated annually by the Presiding Bishop , Apostolic Vicars and the Superior with his council.

Par 15. Members entrusted with the administration of special works should submit an accounting of receipts and expenditures to their respective superiors.

Par 16. If there are goods, which do not belong to the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul but are, entrusted to it for management, reporting of and accounting for them should be submitted both to their owners and to the ORDO EPISCOPORUM.

Par 17. All administrators of temporal goods, both superiors and treasurers, can act in the name of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul only within the limits of their office and the norm of our proper law. As for other acts, those who perform illicit or invalid ones will be held responsible and liable for them. If, however, any member of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul shall have contracted debts or obligations even with permission, he will be held responsible for them and comply from his own resources.

Par 18. Laws governing human labor, security, and justice, in favor of persons working for the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul, shall be exactly observed and complied with.

Par 19. Superiors should act with the greatest prudence and wisdom in receiving donations and pious foundations that creates long-term obligations. Certainly, obligations in perpetuity must never be accepted.

Par 20. Gifts should not be made from the goods of the Community except according to the norm of the Constitutions and of our own proper law.

Par 21. In accepting goods that will go to the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul by way of donation or as a gift, the intention of the donor regarding ownership and use of them shall be well respected.


Section 1. Any amendment to or revision of this Constitution shall be proposed by:

Par 1. The ORDO EPISCOPORUM, upon a vote of two-thirds of all its Members; or

Par 2. Church Convocation

Section 2. No amendment or revision of this Constitution shall be authorized within five years following the ratification and promulgation of this Constitution.

Section 3. Any amendment to, or revision of, this Constitution hereof shall be valid when ratified by a majority of the votes.


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