Photo below is that of Cardinal Scipione Rebiba (Pope Paul IV)


Apostolic Succession of the Bishops of the
Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul

North American Old Roman Catholic Church Archdiocese of California
(32 levels below Cardinal Scipione Rebiba, known as Pope Paul IV)

Table of Apostolic Succession
From our Lord Jesus Christ To The Apostles Peter, James, John, Andrew, Simon, Matthew, Jude, Bartholomew, Phillip, James, Thomas, And Their Successors,
The Bishops of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church AD 33 to AD 1566

⦁ On 12 March, 1566 Cardinal Scipione Rebiba (who became Pope Paul IV) as main consecrator Consecrated Giulio Antonio Santorio (Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina. Cardinal Scipione Rebiba is of particular ecclesiastical significance since more than 95% of all living catholic bishops trace their episcopal lineage back to him)
⦁ Who on 7 September 1586) as main consecrator Consecrated Girolamo Bernerio, O.P. (Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina. Through his own consecration of Galeazzo Sanvitale, Cardinal Bernerio is in the episcopal lineage of Pope Francis, Pope Benedict XVI, and most modern bishops.)
⦁ Who on 4 April 1604 ) as main consecrator Consecrated Galeazzo Sanvitale (Archbishop of Bari-Canosa, Italy)
⦁ Who on 2 May 1621 ) as main consecrator Consecrated Ludovico Ludovisi (Archbishop of Bologna, Italy)
⦁ Who on 12 June 1622 ) as main consecrator Consecrated Luigi Caetani (Archbishop of Capua, Italy)
⦁ Who on 7 October 1630 ) as main consecrator Consecrated Giovanni Battista Scannaroli (Titular Bishop of Sidon)
⦁ Who on 24 October 1655 ) as main consecrator Consecrated Antonio Cardinal Barberini (Archbishop of Reims)
⦁ Who on 1657 ) as main consecrator Consecrated Charleas Maurice Latellier (French Archbishop of Reims)
⦁ Who on November 12, 1668 ) as main consecrator Consecrated James Benigne Bossuet (Bishop of Meaux)
⦁ Who on September 21, 1670 ) as main consecrator Consecrated James Goydon De Matignon (Bishop of Condom, France)
⦁ Who on February 12, 1719 ) as main consecrator Consecrated Dominic M. Varlet (Bishop of Baghdad, Iraq)
⦁ Who on October 17, 1739 as main consecrator Consecrated Peter John Meindaerts (served as the tenth Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht)
⦁ Who on July 11, 1745 as main consecrator Consecrated John Van Stiphout ( Old Catholic Bishop of Haarlem)
⦁ Who on June 21, 1778 as main consecrator Consecrated Adrian Broekman (Old Catholic Bishop of Haarlem)
⦁ Who on July 5, 1797 as main consecrator Consecrated John James Van Rhijin (served as the twelfth Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht)
⦁ Who on November 7, 1805 as main consecrator Consecrated Gilbert De Jong (Old Catholic Bishop of Deventer)
⦁ Who on April 24, 1814 as main consecrator Consecrated Willibrod Van Os (served as the thirteenth Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht)
⦁ Who on April 22, 1819 as main consecrator Consecrated John Bon (Old Catholic Bishop of Haarlem)
⦁ Who on June 14, 1825 as main consecrator Consecrated John Van Santen (served as the fourteenth Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht)
⦁ Who on July 17, 1854 as main consecrator Consecrated Herman Heykamp (Old Catholic Bishop of Deventer)
⦁ Who on August 11, 1873 as main consecrator Consecrated Gaspard John Rinkel (Old Catholic Bishop of Haarlem)
⦁ Who on May 11, 1892 as main consecrator Consecrated Gerard Gul (served as the seventeenth Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht)
⦁ Who on April 28, 1908 as main consecrator Consecrated Arnold Harris Mathew (Old Catholic Bishop for Great Britain)
⦁ Who on June 29, 1913 as main consecrator Consecrated Prince Rudolph de Landas Berghes (First Primate of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession who later joined the Augustinian Friars in Villanova, Pennsylvania)
⦁ Who on October 4, 1916 as main consecrator Consecrated Henry Carmel Carfora (Second Metropolitan Primate of the North American Old Catholic Church)
⦁ Who on August 25, 1935 Consecrated sub conditione Albert Dunstan Bell (Old Roman Catholic Bishop of California)
⦁ Who on January 7, 1940 as main consecrator Consecrated Edgar Ramon Verostek (Old Roman Catholic Regionary Bishop of California)
⦁ Who on August 10, 1985 as main consecrator Consecrated Joseph Andrew Vellone (Old Roman Catholic Archbishop of the NAORCC Archdiocese of California)
⦁ Who on December 10, 2019 as main consecrator Consecrated Jose Maniwang Madanguit (NAORCC AoC Regional Vicar for the Philippines and Other Countries of Asia)
⦁ Who on October 9, 2022 Consecrated sub conditione three (3) bishops of the Missionary Society of Saints Peter and Paul , namely: + Celestino A. Gianan (General Superior – MSSPP), + Ariel H. Lopez (Apostolic Vicar for Rizal Province) and + Joselito A. Sarigumba (Apostolic Vicar for Cavite Province)

Note: . Before Bp. Celestino A. Gianan, the general superior of the MSSPP-NAORC AoC, joined the NAORCC AoC, he was consecrated by Archbishop Neville David Anderson, DD (as main consecrator) in Australia whose Petrine Apostolic Succession is validated in the Decree of Validity and Apostolic Succession signed and sealed by Msgr. Anselmo “Moi” C. Pamintuan, P.C., a Roman Catholic priest and lawyer trained in Canon Law, Dogmatic Theology, and Ecclesiastical History under the Most Rev. Antonio R. Tobias, D.D., Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches, Quezon City, Philippines. Thus Bp. Celestino A. Guinan already possessed a valid line of Apostolic Succession with Roman Catholic episcopal lineage from the Roman Catholic Bishop Carlos Duarte Costa (1888-1961) whose episcopal lineage comes from the Roman Catholic Cardinal Scipione Rebiba ( who became Pope Paul IV). The episcopal lineage of Celestino Amorin Gianan is 3 levels close and below Bishop Carlos Duarte Costa and 23 levels below Cardinal Scipione Rebiba. However, when Bp. Celestino A. Gianan joined the NAORCC AoC he, together with two (2) other bishops of the MSSPP, was consecrated sub conditione by Bp. Jose Maniwang Madanguit (NAORCC AoC Regional Vicar for the Philippines and Other Countries of Asia). It is a church’s policy of NAORCC AoC to subject any new bishop joining the jurisdiction to be consecrated sub conditione – this is to guarantee that all bishops of NAORCC AoC possess a valid apostolic lineage.

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