April 18, 2022: A BRIEF REFLECTION ON POST-RESURRECTION: APPEARANCE OF CHRIST, PERFORMANCE OF CHRISTIANS By Celes Amorin Gianan, DD, PhD Brothers, may I humbly share this reflection with you with an intent to bring us to a deeper understanding of who we really are as believers in the Resurrection of Christ. Christ, indeed, has resurrected. This has been witnessed and attested by the women who went to the tomb early on the first day of the week. This is a truthful fact and a factual truth narrated in the Gospels account that can not be denied. His RESURRECTION is both…
Author: dssiadmin
WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ALTER CHRISTUS? IN PERSONA CHRISTI CAPITIS? By Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD ALTER CHRISTUS is properly translated as OTHER CHRIST, not ANOTHER CHRIST which is ALIUS CHRISTUS in Latin. Though ALIUS in Latin is taken to mean sometimes as OTHER. But, ALTER CHRISTUS is Christologically phrased as such to mean OTHER CHRIST. When one is ALTER CHRISTUS, one gets the character of Christ by virtue of Baptism insofar as when one is baptized, one is baptized in Christ. Romans 6:3-5 qualifies this Baptism as “that which unites us to Christ; we are all baptized and…
CELIBACY IN THE CHURCH: DEEPER INSIGHTS, WIDER HORIZONS by Celes Amorin Gianan, DD, PhD At the height of the open table discussion, if not the resolution, of the long contested issue on CELIBACY that has been so coercively linked with the Ministerial Priesthood of Christ, that is, that a priest is to be single, bachelor, or unmarried, and staying otherwise, one cannot be and become a priest, may I, at this point in time, humbly share with us this paper-proclamation entitled “CELIBACY IN THE CHURCH: DEEPER INSIGHTS, WIDER HORIZONS”. CELIBACY in the Church Catholic, an aged discipline of the Catholic…
COVID 19, EASTER ’20: DYING AND RISING OF HUMAN EXISTENCE MADE MANIFEST by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD TO EXIST IS TO DIE. Human existence can not escape the REALITY of DYING, that is, that of being annihilated, that of being extinguished, that of passing away, that of ceasing, that of losing, that of emptying, that of decreasing and other manifestations synonymous to dying. Dying takes a variety of forms. Dying manifests itself in diverse fashion. COVID 19 has brought to human consciousness this PANDEMIC SCENARIO of the REALITY OF DYING seen in a variety of forms. Faced with the…
THEOLOGY BEYOND WALLS, COMMUNICATING THE GOSPEL CONTEXTUALLY: A MUST IN OUR CONTEMPORARY TIMES by Celes Amorin Gianan, DD, PhD THEOLOGY BEYOND WALLS, COMMUNICATING THE GOSPEL CONTEXTUALLY: A MUST IN OUR CONTEMPORARY TIMES speaks its RESOUNDING VOICE as it listens to Sacred Scriptures: “v. 14 for He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, v. 15 by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, v.…
MAN: A DIVINE HUMANITY vis-a-vis EASTER VIGIL 2020 by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD MAN, a Divine Humanity, is a living, dynamic, intelligent creature of God, the Creator. By virtue of His divine creativity and sacred artistry, God, the Creator, took the dust of the ground from which He formed man and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE and man became a LIVING BEING (Ref. Genesis 2: 7) created in the likeness of Him (Ref. Genesis 1: 27). The “fusion of horizons” of the intent and commitment of God to form man and man as a recipient of…
“THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME”, says JESUS: SOMETHING TO BE THOUGHT OF THIS HOLY WEEK 2020 by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD Realization 1. When Jesus says “The Spirit of the Lord is UPON Me”, He claims, thus, “The Spirit of the Lord is not a MERE PART of me”. There is a BIG difference between saying “UPON ME” and “PART OF ME”. The term “UPON ME” demonstrates that the Spirit of the Lord has FULL AND TOTAL DOMINION over the life of Jesus and He could not but be FULLY AND TOTALLY SUBMISSIVE to the AUTHORITY…
THE OTHER SIDE OF COVID 19: WORTH SEEING AND REFLECTING by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD Yes, indeed, the outbreak and breakthrough of COVID 19 is seen in the global sphere. The entire globe is seeing its pandemic impact to human existence. Human existence is worst affected and impacted. What a global tragedy? The global populace is crying for help … in panic searching for food to feed empty stomachs … frontliners come out in space and in time showing their courage, concern, and care for their fellowmen and women, young and adults … monitoring and reporting on paper and…
REAL PRESENCE OF CHRIST IN HIS CHURCH: BEST REFLECTION FOR HOLY WEEK 2020 by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD In the Church founded, established, and stabilized by our Lord Jesus Christ, His REAL PRESENCE is INDISPENSABLE which makes the Church, His Body, HABITABLE by ALL. Marked as ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC, His CHURCH is and will always be a CHURCH FOR ALL SEASONS. Thus, the CHURCH is ONE with God throughout the entire liturgical seasons. The CHURCH is HOLY unto the LORD in good times and in bad times. The CHURCH is CATHOLIC in Faith witnessed in a diversity…
PARADISE RESTORED: THE HOPE OF LENT, THE JOY OF EASTER by Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD This narrative account exposes and declares the “greatness” of the power of God “restoring” paradise, which is the very “Hope” Lent brings into our hearts and the very “Joy” Easter provides as we move in progression leading towards a “glorious” state of life, a “victorious” way of life, and “meritorious” growth in life. More than two thousand years ago, the world, “stocked” in its “mere humanity,” [1 Corinthians 3:3] has been and is still “eagerly waiting for the revelations of the sons of God”…