In a culture when and where populace tend to close their eyes to something they have not seen before, tend to shut their ears from hearing of something which they have not heard before, tend to question the truth of something which is new to them, tend to pass negative judgment against something that they seem to think is not acceptable, tend to criticize at once without first knowing the whole thing and many more reactions and impressions, it is of paramount importance to MATURELY develop an attitude exemplified by Philip to Nathanael, saying, “COME and SEE”.


This question has a semblance to the very question asked by Nathanael when Philip found him and said to him, “We have found Him of whom Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote – Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” Nathanael said to him, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” And, Philip said to him, “Come and see”. (Ref. John 1:45-46)

COME and SEE … we pray, hope and look forward that this DEFINITIVE-DEFINING STATEMENT OF THE POSITION of the NORTH AMERICAN OLD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH UTRECHT SUCCESSION ARCHDIOCESE OF CALIFORNIA would unfold with CLARITY and VERACITY for us to see the GOOD that this particular Church, a member-part of the Mystical Body of Christ in which the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is present and is operative. Old Roman Catholicism has been, is, and shall always be in possession of the BEST that it can offer and provide to the Christian faithful in defense of the preservation and perpetuation of the TRUE FAITH in God and the BETTER decision and action to make if only TO SAVE Christian faithful FROM THIS PERVERSE GENERATION (Ref. Acts 2: 40).



“We believe, therefore, we speak” (Ref. 2 Corinthians 4:13).


TO ALL THE FAITHFUL IN CHRIST, be it known that, the OLD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, possessing a line of Holy Orders originating with our Lord Jesus Christ, and held in common with the undivided Church of earlier centuries, holds and is in possession of a valid line of Apostolic Succession in more recent centuries through the Ancient See of Utrecht in Holland.

WHEREAS, St. Willibrord, the “Apostle to the Netherlands”, was consecrated to the Episcopacy by Pope Sergius I in the year 696 at Rome and the City of Utrecht was raised to the dignity of a Diocese;

WHEREAS, upon the return of St. Willibrord to the Netherlands, he established his See at Utrecht and, in addition, he established the Dioceses at Deventer and Haarlem;

WHEREAS, the Church of Utrecht also provided a worthy occupant for the Papal See in 1552 in the person of Pope Hadrian VI;

WHEREAS, the Church of Utrecht also produced two most able exponents of the spiritual life, Geert Groote, who founded the Brothers of the Common Life, and Thomas a Kempis, who is credited with writing the Imitation of Christ, both were from the Dutch Church;

WHEREAS, granting the petition made by the Holy Roman Emperor, Conrad II and Bishop Heribert of Utrecht, Blessed Pope Eugene III, in the year 1145, granted the See of Utrecht the right to elect successors to the See in times of vacancy;

WHEREAS, this privilege was affirmed by the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215;

WHEREAS, the autonomous nature of this See was further demonstrated when a second Papal Grant by Pope Leo X, DEBITUM PASTORALIS, conceded to Philip of Burgundy, the 57th Bishop of Utrecht, that neither he nor any of his successors, or any of their clergy or laity, should ever be tried by a tribunal of the Roman Catholic Church, and that if any such tribunals were called against them, those tribunals would be, ipso facto, null and avoid.



The North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession, Archdiocese of California is “Sui Iuris” (Particular Church) Old Roman Catholic Church that descends from the Roman Catholic See of Utrecht, Netherland that was granted autonomy by the Holy See in 1145 by Pope Blessed Eugene III.

The North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession, Archdiocese of California observes the Leonine Privilege that Pope Leo X gave in his Decree in 1517, Debitum Pastoralis, granting to the See of Utrecht the right of adjudication of its own affairs that the Tribunals of Rome cannot interfere.

The North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, like the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Churches, is recognized as a “True Particular Church”  for we remain united to the Catholic Church by means of the closest bonds of Valid Line of Apostolic Succession and Valid Eucharist (Sui Iuris) in reference to DOMINUS IESUS, paragraph 17,  being declared in August 2000, Declaration of the Holy See by then-Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus) and Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone under the then-Pontificate of His Holiness Pope St. John Paul II. Thus, in the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California is present and operative the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church the four marks of the True Church marked by the descent of the Holy Spirit on that Pentecost Day.

The North American Old Roman Catholic Church – Utrecht Succession, Archdiocese of California was erected in 1939 and formally incorporated in the State of California by The Most Reverend Edgar Ramon Verostek in 1940 by the mandate of The Most Reverend Carmel Henry Carfora, founder and Supreme Primate of the NAORCC. It continues to actively serve, as one of the original North American Old Roman Catholic jurisdictions authorized by The Most Reverend Carmel Henry Carfora. On this context, the successor of His Grace The Most Reverend Edgar Ramon Verostek is His Grace The Most Reverend Joseph Andrew Vellone as Metropolitan and Presiding Archbishop of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church- Utrecht Succession, Archdiocese of California since 1994 until his death on the 5th of January 2022. His Grace, Archbishop Ivan Alberto Castañeda, with the Right of Apostolic Succession, is now the reigning Metropolitan Archbishop of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church – Utrecht Succession, Archdiocese of California since 6th day of January 2022 until the present day.

The North American Old Roman Catholic Church – Utrecht Succession, Archdiocese of California accepts the dogma of Immaculate Conception (1854), Papal Infallibility (1870) and Assumption of Mary (1950). We respond to the great commissioning of our Lord Jesus Christ when He said, “Go to the entire world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Ref. Mk. 16:15). The missionary activities of NAORCC UTRECHT SUCCESSION Archdiocese of California went beyond the State of California and preached in Nevada, New York and Florida of USA as well as in the Provinces of Alberta and Ontario in Canada. We have active mission stations of Old Roman Catholic Communities in sovereign countries like Brazil, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, Canada and the Philippines.


TO ALL THE FAITHFUL IN CHRIST, be it known that, the Roman Catholic Church traces its history to Jesus Christ and the Apostles and Roman Catholicism can be traced to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ in Roman-occupied Jewish Palestine about 30 CE. Roman Catholicism also holds that Jesus established His disciple St. Peter as the first Pope of the nascent Church (Ref. Matthew 16:18). During this period, the Roman Catholic Church considered as the nascent Church was beginning to exist and grow. Although nascent, the Christian community, who Paul the Apostle wrote to and to those in succeeding centuries witnessed their TRUE FAITH in Christ not halfheartedly but in full measure, lived their Christianity. With their boldness in living their Christianity and in preaching the Gospel of Christ, they did not mind being faced with the pagan Roman Empire. The Romans with their ferocious military power and superpower strength were faced with this small community known as the Nascent Church. This early small community of believers has maintained an unbroken continuity since the days of the Apostles while all other denominations from the ancient Copts to the latest storefront church are deviations from it. The Roman Catholic Church remained to be who they were, why they were, how they were in the face of and in the presence of the pagan world. In fact, this early Church, the nascent Church, which is the Roman Catholic Church, came into existence and has originated with the very beginnings of Christianity.

WHEREAS, contrary to what has been perceived and is being perceived by a number of people, particularly, in the Catholic Church circle,  the Old Roman Catholic Church is, indeed, a PERPETUATION of what and how the Early Church witnessed their TRUE FAITH in God and lived in full measure and wholeheartedly the essence of Christianity which is the very life of Christ being embodied in His WORDS and DEEDS and were BOLDLY and FEARLESSLY preached by the Apostle Peter and Paul the Apostle not only to the Jews but also to the Gentiles.

WHEREAS, this Old Roman Catholic Church, which is projective of the life of the Early Church, is NOT a DEVIATION from the Roman Catholic Church. It does NOT stand in COMPETITION of the existence of the Dioceses and Parishes of the Roman Catholic Church. It holds to, establishes, and maintains HARMONIOUS CO-EXISTENCE with them. Its uniqueness and distinctness lie on its DECISIVE decision to faithfully follow and observe the four COORDINATES mentioned by Pope Francis in his reflection rooted in what is scripted in the account of the Acts of the Apostles, which reflection we will read and listen in the succeeding portions of this position paper.

WHEREAS, with the outbreak and breakthrough of the forces of MODERNITY, lives of peoples were badly infected and affected, their faith being little by little shifted to a different direction, their mindset as believers in God being gradually influenced by the spirit of SECULARISM and MATERIALISM, their outlook in life being slowly dragged and changed from Godly to worldly, their sense of responsibility and accountability to God and His Church do seem to be timid and passive, and many other signs drifting from the TRUTH of the Faith to the Faith devoid of the TRUTH.

At this juncture, may we all do this reflection delivered by Pope Francis in his General Audience, dated November 25, 2020, a reflection which we certainly believe would and could help us understand what this Old Roman Catholic Church, the nascent Church, the early community of Christian believers is, what it seeks to project to humanity, and how the Holy See enjoins, exhorts, and empowers the Christian faithful to perpetuate what the early Church began as they faithfully witnessed the Gospel of Christ and lived in full measure the essence of Christianity. Here, it goes:

Pope Francis, in his General Audience, dated November 25, 2020, continued his series of catechesis on prayer, this week looking at the prayer of the nascent Church. He said that the Church’s first steps in the world were interspersed with prayer. The apostolic writings and the great narration of the Acts of the Apostles give us the image of an active Church, a Church on the move, yet which, gathered in prayer, finds the basis and impulse for missionary action. The image of the early Community of Jerusalem is the point of reference for every other Christian experience. Luke writes in the Book of Acts: “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers (2:42). The community persevered in prayer. We find here four essential characteristics of ecclesial life: listening to the apostles’ teaching, first; second, the safeguarding of mutual communion; third, the breaking of the bread; and, fourth, prayer. They remind us that the Church’s existence has meaning if it remains firmly united to Christ, that is, in community, in His Word, in the Eucharist and in prayer – the way we unite ourselves to Christ. Preaching and catechesis bear witness to the words and actions of the Teacher; the constant quest for fraternal communion shields us from selfishness and particularisms; the breaking of the bread fulfils the sacrament of Jesus’ presence among us. He will never be absent – particularly in the Eucharist, He is there. He lives and walks with us. And lastly, prayer, which is the space of dialogue with the Father, through Christ in the Holy Spirit. Everything in the Church that grows outside of these “coordinates” lacks a foundation. To discern a situation, we need to ask ourselves about these four coordinates: how in this situation these four coordinates are present – the preaching, the constant search for fraternal communion, charity, the breaking of bread (that is, the Eucharistic life), and prayer. Any situation needs to be evaluated in the light of these four coordinates. Whatever is not part of these coordinates lacks ecclesiality, it is not ecclesial. It is God who creates the Church, not the clamour of works. The Church is not a market; the Church is not a group of business people who go forward with a new business. The Church is the work of the Holy Spirit whom Jesus sent to us to gather us together. The Church is precisely the work of the Spirit in the Christian community, in the life of the community, in the Eucharist, in prayer … always. And everything that grows outside of these coordinates lacks a foundation. Is like a house built upon sand (see Mt 7:24-27). It is God who creates the Church, not the clamour of works. It is Jesus’ word that fills our efforts with meaning. It is in humility that we build the future of the world. At times, I feel tremendous sadness when I see a community that has good will, but takes the wrong road because it thinks that the Church is built up of meetings, as if it were a political party. “But, the majority, the minority, what do they think about this, that and the other … And this is like a Synod, the synodal path that we must take …” I ask myself: ‘But where is the Holy Spirit there? Where is prayer? Where is communitarian love? Where is the Eucharist?’ Without these four coordinates, the Church becomes a human society, a political party – majority, minority … But the Holy Spirit is not there. And the presence of the Holy Spirit is precisely guaranteed by these four coordinates. To evaluate whether a situation is ecclesial or not ecclesial, let us ask ourselves about these four coordinates: life in the community, prayer, the Eucharist … how is life developing along these four coordinates. If this is lacking, the Holy Spirit is lacking, and if the Holy Spirit is lacking, we are a beautiful organization, humanitarian, doing good things, good, good … even an ecclesial party, let’s put it that way. But it is not the Church. It is for this reason that the Church does not grow with these things: it does not grow through proselytism, as any other company, it grows by attraction. And who provokes attraction? The Holy Spirit. Let us never forget Benedict XVI’s words: “The Church does not grow through proselytizing, she grows by attraction”. If the Holy Spirit is lacking, who is the one who attracts [people] to Jesus, the Church is not there. There might be beautiful friendship club, good, with good intentions, but not the Church, not synodality.

In reading the Acts of the Apostles we then discover what a powerful driving force of evangelization the prayer gatherings can be, where those who participate actually experience Jesus’ presence and are touched by the Spirit. The members of the first community – although this always applies, even to us today – sensed that the narrative of the encounter with Jesus did not stop at the moment of the Ascension, but continued in their life. In recounting what the Lord said and did – listening to the Word – in praying to enter into communion with Him, everything became alive. Prayer infuses light and warmth: the gift of the Spirit endowed them with fervor.

For this reason, the Catechism contains a very substantial expression. It says this: “The Holy Spirit … keeps the memory of Christ alive in His Church at prayer, also leads Her toward the fullness of Truth, to the whole Truth, and inspires new formulations expressing the unfathomable mystery of Christ at work in His Church’s life, sacraments, and mission (n. 2625). This is the Spirit’s work in the Church: making us remember Jesus. And Jesus Himself said it: He will teach you and remind you. The mission is to remember Jesus, but not as a mnemonic exercise. Christians, walking on the paths of mission, remember Jesus while they make Him present once more; and from Him, from His Spirit, they receive the “push” to go, to proclaim, to serve. In prayer, Christians immerse themselves in the mystery of God, that mystery who loves each person, that God who desires that the Gospel to be preached to everyone. God is God for everyone, and in Jesus every wall of separation has definitively crumbled: as Saint Paul says, He is our peace, that is, “He who has made us both one” (Ref. Eph 2:14). Jesus created unity, unity.

In this way, the life of the early Church had the rhythm of continuous succession of celebrations, convocations, times of both communitarian and personal prayer. And it is the Spirit who granted strength to the preachers who set out on the journey, and who, for love of Jesus, sailed the seas, faced dangers, subjected themselves to humiliation.

God gives love, God asks for love. This is the mystical root of the believer’s entire life. In prayer, the first Christians – and us as well, who come many centuries afterwards – we all live the same experience. The Spirit inspires everything. And every Christian who is not afraid to devote time to prayer can make his or her own the words of the Apostle Paul, who says this: “The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Ref. Gal 2:20). Prayer makes you aware of this. Only in the silence of adoration do we experience the whole truth of these words. And we must recapture this sense of adoration. To adore, to adore God, to adore Jesus, to adore the Spirit. The Father, the Son and the Spirit: to adore. In silence. The prayer of adoration is that prayer that makes us recognize God as the beginning and the end of all history. In addition, this prayer is the living flame of the Spirit that gives strength to witness and to mission. Thank you. [End of Pope Francis’ reflection]

Yes! Rejoice and be glad! This reflection of our beloved, His Holiness, Pope Francis, has sparked and shed LIGHT for all peoples, the entire Christian faithful, to SEE as they COME to listen to him sharing his reflection on the life of the early Church; for all peoples, the entire Christian faithful, to KNOW and BELIEVE the genuine and authentic way of WITNESSING the GOSPEL and of LIVING the essence of Christianity; for all peoples, the entire Christian faithful, to EXIST and make PRESENT the true Church in our contemporary times and to ACT as a Church; for all peoples, the entire Christian faithful, to stand firmly on solid ground the TRUE FAITH in God exemplified by the OLD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH whose roots, trunk, and fruits are traceable to the nascent Church, the early Church’s life as WITNESSES of the WORDS and DEEDS of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, His Body (Ref. Ephesians 5:23). 


TO ALL THE FAITHFUL IN CHRIST, be it known that WE, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, do solemnly declare that we are DEFINITELY and DEFINITIVELY Roman Catholics that DECIDEDLY and DECISIVELY follow the DISCIPLINE and ACTS OF WITNESSING THE TRUE FAITH IN GOD of and by the EARLY CHURCH in fulfilment of the PROMISE which Peter the Apostle said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the PROMISE is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord will call to Himself” (Ref. Acts 2:38-39).

WE, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, do solemnly declare that our being and acting as Old Roman Catholics is our RESPONSE to this CALL of the Lord as we faithfully and thoughtfully keep that PROMISE which we believe will enjoin, exhort, and empower us “BE SAVED FROM THIS PERVERSE GENERATION (Ref. Acts 2:40), a generation which undoubtedly is PERVERTING and continues to PERVERT the TRUE FAITH in God made manifest in the situations of churches in our contemporary times during which careless MODERN INNOVATIONS in the life and operations of the Church, even in Church Governance and Church Administration, have effected changes in the essence of the TRUE FAITH in God, in the outlook of the MAGISTERIUM of the Church, in the belief of the SACREDNESS of the Sacraments, in witnessing VALUES of the GOSPEL which, in turn, have affected the DOCTRINAL, SACRAMENTAL, LITURGICAL, CANONICAL, and PASTORAL LIFE of the Christian faithful. These careless MODERN INNOVATIONS have been in place for many, many, many years back up to the present.


Whereas, by virtue of the Sacrament of Baptism, we, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, having been administered to, received, and celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism in the Church, the Body of Christ, of which He is the Head (Ref. Ephesians 5:23), have been baptized in Christ (Ref. Romans 6:3) and have been incorporated into His One Body (Ref. 1 Corinthians 12:13);

Whereas, having been baptized in Christ and incorporated into His Body, the Church, we, the Od Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, have been marked with an INDELIBLE CHARACTER named as the BAPTISMAL CHARACTER, which no human power can ever remove, no human esteem can ever replace, no human possession can ever substitute; incorporated into Christ by Baptism, we are configured to Christ. Baptism seals the Christian with the indelible spiritual mark (character) of his belonging to Christ. No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from bearing the fruits of salvation (Ref. Romans 8:29; Council of Trent (1547): DS 1609-1619);

Whereas, incorporated into the Church by Baptism, we, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, have received the sacramental character that consecrates us for Christian RELIGIOUS WORSHIP (Ref. Catechism of the Catholic Church, no.1273, Cf. Lumen Gentium 11). The baptismal seal enables and commits Christians to serve God by a vital participation in the Holy Liturgy of the Church and to exercise their baptismal priesthood by the witness of holy lives and practical charity (Cf. Lumen Gentium 10), this having been practiced by the Early Church (Ref. Acts 2:42-47);

Whereas, marked with such a BAPTISMAL CHARACTER, that is, character of God the Father, that of God the Son, and that of God the Holy Spirit, we, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, have been tasked, are tasked, and will be tasked to do the works of Him blessed to be called TRUE BELIEVERS in God as attested in what John 14:12 says, “Whoever believes in Me will do the works I do and even greater works because I am going to the Father”;

Whereas, the Holy Spirit has marked us with the “seal of the Lord” (Dominicus character) “for the day of redemption” (Ref. Ephesians 4:30, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22; St. Augustine, Ep. 98, 5). We, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California,  shall keep the seal” until the end and, remaining faithful to the demands of our Baptism, will be able to depart this life “marked with the sign of faith” (Cf. Roman Missal, EP I (Roman Canon) 97), with our baptismal faith, in expectation of the blessed vision of God – the consummation of faith – and in the hope of resurrection;

THUS, we, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, guided by this instruction and taught by the discipline and practices of the Early Church, are hereby led to treasure our Sacrament of Baptism and the baptismal character being imprinted and sealed in our lives and live out our baptismal commitment to God in the Church for the world. This is in view of the exhortation of Peter the Apostle, saying, “Repent and be baptized” (Ref. Acts 2: 38), an exhortation that has drawn souls to the Lord in “thousands” (Ref. Acts 2:41).


TO ALL THE FAITHFUL IN CHRIST, be it known that: We, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, adhering to the Spirit and Charism of the Old Roman Catholicism, humbly submit and commit to what took place on the Day of Pentecost, the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Early Church and marked it with the character of being One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. It was on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit filled them with power that they were able to speak in different foreign languages about the great WORDS and DEEDS of the risen Lord who ascended to the right hand of His Father. It was on the Day of Pentecost that the prophetic words “I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind” (Ref. Acts 2:17) were fulfilled and they will receive POWER and shall be and become WITNESSES of the Lord to all parts and even remotest parts of the world (Ref. Acts 1: 8). It was on the Day of Pentecost that the promising words “And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved” (Ref. Acts 2:21).

We, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, by virtue of our Baptism, humbly claim ourselves as Old Roman Catholics for we cannot but strongly hold on and are determined to carry on up to these times what took place on that Day of Pentecost and the unique and distinct FAITH-EXPERIENCE the Early Church had in their lives.

We, the Old Roman Catholics of the North America Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, by virtue of our Baptism, humbly claim ourselves as Old Roman Catholics for we cannot but believe that the Holy Spirit that descended upon the apostles on that Day of Pentecost is the very SAME Holy Spirit that is at work NOW in the Church and in the world.

We, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, by virtue of our Baptism, humbly claim ourselves as Old Roman Catholics for we cannot but believe that the Gospel of Christ must be preached and proclaimed in the same MANNER and POWER that the Apostle Peter and Paul the Apostle did, that is, they SPREAD OUT the Gospel of the Lord and PREACHED it FEARLESSLY and WITH all BOLDNESS and WITHOUT HINDRANCE (Ref. Acts 28:31) until it reached in Rome where the climate surrounding and facing the spreading of the Gospel of Christ manifested that the Gospel of the Lord was not only meant for the Jews but also for the Gentiles. The final verse of the Acts of the Apostles records the UNSTOPPABLE spread of the Gospel: Paul the Apostle was “proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.

Thus, WE ARE HOW WE ARE, that is, we are OLD ROMAN CATHOLICS for, as WITNESSES, we cannot but make a FIRM STAND and sound a STRONG VOICE to the whole of humanity that for the TRUE FAITH in God to be made known as WITNESSES it must be rooted and inspired by the One and the Same Holy Spirit that descended on the Day of Pentecost.

Moreover, like Peter the Apostle and the Apostle Paul in preaching the Gospel of the Lord, we, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California are not and shall never be driven by OTHER HUMAN SECULAR INNOVATIVE MOTIVATIONS which are very evident in many churches in these times of modernity.

WITNESSING the TRUE FAITH in God to be made known, we, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California as believers in God and lovers of the Church, cannot but preach and proclaim the Kingdom of God and His Gospel with BOLDNESS and without HINDRANCE the very spirit and power Paul the Apostle demonstrated and exemplified in Rome, thus, having established the ROMAN CLIMATE underlining and overriding the preaching of the POWER OF GOD for SALVATION which is His Gospel. Thus, WE ARE HOW WE ARE, that is, we are OLD ROMAN CATHOLICS in the way we proclaim the Gospel of Christ.

For our TRUE FAITH in God to be made known and as WITNESSES to the ends of the earth and to the remotest part of the world, we, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California cannot but develop in us a mind and a heart that is INCLUSIVE and ALL-ENCOMPASSING as we preach and proclaim the Kingdom of God and His Gospel in the spirit of UNIVERSAL HUMAN FRATERNITY.


In the sight of God, belonging to and in the presence of the Mystical Body of Christ, His Church of which He is the Head and in the face of the world and creation that is “eagerly waiting for the revelation of the sons and daughters of God” (Ref. Romans 8:19), WE, the Old Roman Catholics of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California, proximately and ultimately POSITION ourselves faithful to Divine Revelation, the DEPOSIT OF OUR FAITH and thoughtful to Sacred Tradition, the PASSING ON OF THE FAITH from this generation to the succeeding generations so as for us and for them “BE SAVED FROM THIS PERVERSE GENERATION” (Ref. Acts 2: 40).

COME AND SEE the GOOD that the North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California is in possession of, treasures and gives witness to in firm adherence to the PATRIMONY of OLD ROMAN CATHOLICISM, a LEGACY handed to us by the FAITH-WITNESSING of the Early Church and remains to be such in the present.

His Grace, Archbishop Ivan Alberto Castaneda, DD
Primate of the West Region
Metropolitan Archbishop
North American Old Roman Catholic Church Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California


The Brotherhood of Bishops
NAORCC Utrecht Succession Archdiocese of California

February 15, 2023, Anno Domini, California, USA


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