By Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD
Greetings and blessings, Brothers. May we humbly share these thoughts for our short REFLECTION which, hopefully, would bring us all to concrete ACTIONS (Reflection + Action = PRAXIS). PRAXIS, simply, means putting into action our reflection.
The VOCATION and MISSION of Bishops and priests, who are marked with the INDELIBLE SPIRITUAL CHARACTER, the SPECIAL GRACE of the Holy Spirit imprinted in their souls during their Sacred Ordination to the Priesthood of Christ and during their Sacred Consecration to the Order of Bishops, are rooted in and driven by the MUNERA (Functions) of Christ in His Priesthood, namely: TEACHING, SANCTIFYING and GOVERNING. Apart from and outside of this, the Priesthood of Christ is unjustly and ungratefully represented, the image of the Bishop and priest as ALTER CHRISTUS (Other Christ) is obscured, acting IN PERSONA CHRISTI CAPITIS (in the person of Christ) and IN NOMINE TOTAE ECCLESIAE (in the name of the whole Church) or PRO TOTA ECCLESIA (in behalf of the whole Church) are maliciously denied and betrayed.
To help us faithfully and thoughtfully do the MUNERA of Christ in His Priesthood, it would be a gracious gesture on our part as Bishops and priests to engage and get involved in the daily routine of STUDY, PRAY, and WORK.
Much wisdom is gained in spending quality-time for STUDY, particularly, reading, listening to and reflecting on the sacred texts as written and revealed in Holy Scriptures, THE WORD OF GOD; reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church which forms part of the Roman Catholic Theology, reading the Canons of the Catholic Church which form part of the Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical Law, documents and teachings of the MAGISTERIUM of the Church, writings of the Church Fathers and lives of the saints and other supplemental reading or study materials. Such will enrich and reinforce our TEACHING OFFICE.
Much spiritual nourishment is gained in spending quality-time each day in scheduled PRAYER, particularly, in doing and celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, acts of Contrition and Penance, praying the Holy Rosary and other acts of piety. Such will supply and add forces to our SANCTIFYING OFFICE for the sanctification of the world and edification of the Holy Mother Church.
Much ministerial energy and shared strength are demonstrated in spending quality-time for WORK in response to God who is at work in us as we keep ourselves and our Christian faithful in the mighty hands of our loving Father, which is basically what our GOVERNING OFFICE is all about, what it entails and to which it is directed to.
Brethren, doing the MUNERA of Christ in His Priesthood shall by all means and in all circumstances keep us all and shall make us true and faithful to Christ and His Priesthood. The MUNERA of Christ in His Priesthood shall be and ought to become our weapons in battling against forces that are inimical or hostile to living out our priestly life and exercise our ministerial office, the MUNERA of Christ in His Priesthood, namely, TEACHING, SANCTIFYING and GOVERNING. We STRIVE, then, to perfectly fulfill them.
God loves us all. – Bishop Celes