By Celes A. Gianan, DD, PhD

The Lord Jesus said to St. Faustina, saying,  “I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls. Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My Mercy.”

Within the context of the aforementioned words coming from our Lord Jesus Christ, we might wonder and ask, “What, then, is MERCY? What makes MERCY, DIVINE? How come that without turning with trust to God’s MERCY, mankind or the entire humanity will have no PEACE? What is its connection to the PEACE that our Lord Jesus Christ brought to His disciples when He appeared to them after His resurrection, saying, “Peace be with you” (Ref. John 20: 19 – 21).


Sacred Scriptures in Luke 6: 36 clearly make manifest MERCY as POWER as this sacred text says, “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful”. This is an INSTRUCTION that contains a DIRECTION directive of doing something, that is, BE MERCIFUL.

MERCY as POWER brings humanity from the state and condition of HUMAN MISERY to the state and experience of DIVINE MERCY where humans are being lifted up and uprooted from the pangs of MISERY and re-rooted into the ocean of the richness of MERCY.

MERCY as POWER brings humanity from the state and condition of human weakness to the state and experience of divine greatness where humans are being educated and made aware that they do not anymore belong to a fallen humanity, they now belong to a redeemed humanity.

MERCY as POWER brings humanity through stages in life from being GOOD to becoming BETTER to being the BEST where humans are made to understand their STATE OF LIFE, WAY OF LIFE, and GROWTH IN LIFE.

In here we see how POWER in MERCY is at work. Since all power and authority both in Heaven and on Earth belong to God and have been given to Christ, MERCY then as POWER is called DIVINE MERCY for, indeed, the Father is merciful. By saying that the FATHER IS MERCIFUL is declaring that the Father is leading humans get out of their life’s miserable condition to life’s experience of comfort. The Father is bringing humans from the state of ILLNESS to WELLNESS, from EMPTINESS to FULLNESS. This is the POWER of DIVINE MERCY.

Briefly stated, DIVINE MERCY is GOD’S POWER that brings humans to a MOVEMENT IN PROGRESSION towards something higher and greater in the ORDER of VALUE and PURPOSE.


True, indeed, are the words spoken by Jesus Christ to St. Faustina in visions and in conversations, saying, “Mankind will not have PEACE until it TURNS with TRUST to MY MERCY”. Meaning, humans will never be AT PEACE nor will they have PEACE if they do not turn with trust to the MERCY OF GOD which is HIS POWER. Meaning, humans will never experience PEACE if they do not allow the POWER of GOD which is HIS MERCY to lead and bring them through life’s journey. PEACE will never be experienced by humans if they ignore the very words of the Risen Lord, saying, “Peace be with you” – words uttered by Christ as He appeared to His disciples after His RESURRECTION and as He reached out His HANDS and showed His SIDE to His disciples for RECONCILIATION that brings LIVING HOPE to them. This is the PEACE that brings the disciples into EXCITEMENT and further their COMMITMENT to DO the WORKS OF GOD (Ref. John 14: 12) and be RICH in GOOD WORKS (Ref. I Timothy 6: 18).

In ordinary parlance, is this not what MERCY can give to humans when MERCY is shown to them? Much BEST if DIVINE MERCY is shown to them … to them MUCH is given and the BEST in life is experienced in the measure of God’s ABUNDANCE. This is how MERCIFUL God is as attested and portrayed in John 10: 10, which says, “I have come that you may have LIFE and have it in ABUNDANCE”.


The STATE is willed by God. Thus, its TRUTH is established by Him. Its BEAUTY is designed by Him. Its GOODNESS is desired by Him. God’s DIVINE MERCY is over and above these and apart from the MERCY of God, the State is devoid of its TRUTH, BEAUTY, and GOODNESS.

What is the TRUTH of the STATE?

As willed by God from the very beginning, the STATE is the “land” created and established by God where humans “stay” and ordered by Him to “occupy” and make it “fruitful”. The Genesis account on CREATION could attest to this TRUTH.

What is the BEAUTY of the STATE?

As designed by God from the very beginning, the BEAUTY of the STATE is seen and dependent on EVERYTHING that God created which filled it with MATTER and was given FORM. The variety of created things seen on the surface of the Earth and their diversity of shapes, sizes, and colors constitute the BEAUTY of the STATE from time immemorial to our present time.

What is the GOODNESS of the STATE?

As desired by God, the GOODNESS of the STATE is from the very beginning of time declared by Him that what He has created was “good” and “very good”. This GOODNESS of the STATE is made enhanced and advanced by the POWER OF GOVERNANCE. Thus, the STATE is GOOD because it gives birth and rise to GOVERNANCE where God’s ORDER to MAN “have DOMINION OVER”, “CULTIVATE AND KEEP”, “INCREASE AND MULTIPLY” takes its stance.

In our present generation, this GOVERNANCE takes the form of and in place noted in the three functions of the GOVERNMENT, namely, the EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE, and JUDICIARY. The goodness that the EXECUTIVE brings to the STATE is made manifest in putting into effect ORDERS for the well being of people, their safety and security. The goodness that the LEGISLATIVE brings to the STATE is made explicit in the ORDERS through legislations for its PROTECTION and PRESERVATION. The goodness that the JUDICIARY brings to the STATE is the promotion of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS needed to guide and lead the ACTIONS of those inhabiting the STATE.

From what has been said, the TRUTH, BEAUTY, and GOODNESS of the STATE are BEST promoted by DIVINE MERCY, that is, by the POWER OF GOD, not by one’s given OFFICE. If one is in the EXECUTIVE, his or her acts of EXECUTION must be driven by the DIVINE MERCY and not being motivated by his or her office. The rationale being such is the POWER OF GOD, His DIVINE MERCY, is at work while doing one’s office to really bring the STATE to a movement in PROGRESSION. If one is in the LEGISLATIVE, his or her acts of making LEGISLATIONS must be driven by the DIVINE MERCY and not being motivated by his or her office. The rationale being such is the POWER OF GOD, His DIVINE MERCY is at work while doing one’s office to really bring the STATE to ORDERLINESS. If one is in the JUDICIARY, his or her acts of coming up and passing of judgement must be driven by the DIVINE MERCY and not being motivated by his or her office. The rationale being such is the POWER OF GOD, HIS DIVINE MERCY is at work while doing one’s office to really bring the STATE to RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE.

This is the RELEVANCE of that term SO HELP ME GOD each time someone takes an OATH and utters it at the last part of the OATH itself – one recognizes the POWER OF GOD, HIS DIVINE MERCY.

On the level of the population inhabiting and belonging to the STATE, same underlying and overiding principle on DIVINE MERCY is to be applied if only for us to come to terms with the TRUTH, BEAUTY, and GOODNESS of the STATE. For instance, if you are a doctor, your actions must be driven by the DIVINE MERCY and not motivated by your medical profession as a medical doctor. This goes to mean that you, as a doctor, heal your patient  and, in the exercise of your medical profession, you are motivated by God’s DIVINE MERCY to provide healing to the patient. The rationale being such is for the DIVINE MERCY, GOD’S POWER, to be at work while you exercise your medical profession and really contribute to the health care and condition of your patients which the DIVINE MERCY is intent and commits to accomplish and fulfill. So does with other professions and other kinds of occupation people may have or whatever status people may be in as belonging to the STATE.


The CHURCH is willed by God. He established Her as ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC. He desired Her to do and accomplish the following functions, namely: TEACHING, GOVERNING, and SANCTIFYING.


The CHURCH is ONE with God. She cannot but be one with God otherwise She is not a Church. She is One with God because She is borne out by the POWER OF GOD which is His DIVINE MERCY. God in Christ established the Church from being LOCAL to becoming UNIVERSAL or CATHOLIC. God’s DIVINE MERCY made this so. By His DIVINE MERCY, Christ brought the CHURCH to a much HIGHER stance and much GREATER significance to enable the Church create a quality-impact in the world. This is DIVINE MERCY in action and at work.


The CHURCH is HOLY unto the Lord.  By ourselves alone, we cannot be and become HOLY. But, by God’s Mercy, His DIVINE MERCY, and our cooperation with Him, we can be made HOLY. Herein, we see the POWER OF THE MERCY OF GOD. God knows our weaknesses and wickedness, our failures and limitations. By the POWER of His DIVINE MERCY, we are being set out from them and brought to the NEWNESS in life and enjoy its FRESHNESS.


CATHOLICITY is INCLUSIVITY. It is not EXCLUSIVITY. Believers, sometimes or if not oftentimes, become EXCLUSIVE even to the point of becoming JUDGEMENTAL against others. Sometimes or if not oftentimes, believers look at themselves as confined to a certain local church without considering themselves as belonging to and part of the Church catholic or Universal Church. As what happened during that PENTECOST DAY, the HOLY SPIRIT came down upon the apostles and other disciples. They were filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and they were able to speak in different FOREIGN LANGUAGES by which POWER the Church was then given a CATHOLIC character, the CHURCH had become INCLUSIVE and ALL-EMBRACING. The POWER OF GOD, His DIVINE MERCY, drew ALL as BELONGING TO and PART OF the whole BODY OF CHRIST. God’s DIVINE MERCY brought ALL BELIEVERS as MEMBER-PARTS to and of THE UNIVERSAL FOLD which is the BODY OF CHRIST, HIS CHURCH. The DIVINE MERCY “gathers” ALL to the SHEEPFOLD of Christ. The DIVINE MERCY does “not scatter” them. This is what it means by the CHURCH is CATHOLIC. The CATHOLICITY of the CHURCH is the work and fruit of the DIVINE MERCY.


The APOSTOLICITY of the CHURCH marks the fact that the CHURCH cannot exist WITHOUT a LEADER, leading the FLOCK. So, Christ picked up somebody in the person of Simon Peter and said to him, “Thou art Peter and on this rock I will build My Church and never will the powers of death overcome it” (Ref. Matthew 16: 18). The POWER OF GOD came into the fore and supplied the CHURCH with a LEADER. This is DIVINE MERCY in action and at work as God does not allow His Church to be LEADERLESS. This LEADERSHIP is founded on the Apostles. Thus, the CHURCH is APOSTOLIC.

As the Church is marked with a  CHARACTER, that is, ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, APOSTOLIC, SHE is also tasked with FUNCTIONS, namely, TEACHING, GOVERNING, SANCTIFYING.

In the Church, we have TEACHERS who are holders of ecclesiastical degrees, such as, STD, PhD, JCD, STL, JCL and others. As teachers, they must be driven by the POWER OF THE DIVINE MERCY. That as they teach they must not be motivated by their ecclesiastical degrees. Rather, they must be motivated by DIVINE MERCY bringing people from their state and condition of being ILL-INFORMED to the state and experience of being WELL-INFORMED in the Faith.

In the Church, we have BISHOPS, PRIESTS, DEACONS being tasked to GOVERN the Church. As they govern the Church, they must be driven by the POWER OF THE DIVINE MERCY. That as they govern the Church they must not be motivated by their Apostolic appointments, Parish assignment, Grant of Honorary titles. Rather, they must be motivated by the DIVINE MERCY, the POWER OF GOD that brings the Church from a low-profile to  high-profile governing body, from ill-fated to a well-blessed governed Church, from an ill-corrupted to a well-ordered Church or from an improved church governance to a much more perfected church governance. The rationale being such is to really bring the CHURCH shine in the world being the Sacrament of Salvation and not to make a DISPLAY of their academic achievements and credentials believing that they are over and above other clergymen.

In the Church, we have Spiritual Directors, Pastors, Retreat Masters, Confessors, Monks, Hermits  tasked primarily to do works of sanctification, help people enrich their spirituality and intensify prayer life. As they do their task, they must be driven by the POWER OF DIVINE MERCY. That as they do their task they must not be motivated by their respective roles, appointments, designations or whatever. Rather, they must be motivated by the DIVINE MERCY, the POWER OF GOD that brings people from their dead spirituality to a living one, from a weak to strong faith, from a distorted life of prayer to an ordered one, from a materialistic and consummeristic orientation and disposition in life to a Spirit-driven and Faith-nourished one.


The STATE can stand by itself. But, alone by itself, it cannot bring HUMANITY to RISE to its height so as to SEE its width.

The CHURCH can stand by Herself. But, alone by Herself, She cannot bring HUMANITY to RISE to its height so as to SEE its width.

Though the STATE and the CHURCH can stand by themselves, both can bring HUMANITY to RISE by together allowing themselves to be solely and absolutely driven by the POWER OF THE DIVINE MERCY in the exercise of their juridiction. Indeed, the POWER OF THE DIVINE MERCY heals the hurts and pains that stem from the wounds inflicted by the existing WALL OF SEPARATION seen in between STATE and CHURCH. The POWER OF DIVINE MERCY brings an understanding for both STATE and CHURCH that a PARADIGM SHIFT be made from the WALL OF SEPARATION to a DISTINCTION OF JURISDICTION. That what the STATE and the CHURCH must see in between them is no longer a WALL OF SEPARATION but a DISTINCTION OF JURISDICTION through which both can easily work together for the GREATER GOOD of HUMANITY.

The STATE and CHURCH can ONLY accomplish their MISSION for the GREATER GOOD of HUMANITY when driven by the POWER OF GOD, HIS DIVINE MERCY. This is precisely the wisdom why MISSION and MERCY must go together. One without the other has no effect at all. MISSION without MERCY remains unaccomplished; MERCY without MISSION remains unfulfilled. That was why when Christ appeared to His disciples, He uttered His words to them, saying, “Peace be with you” … the Risen Christ wishing to be reconciled with them, not wanting them to remain separated from Him, His MERCY endures forever;  “Receive the Holy Spirit” … the Risen Christ wishing to empower them, not wanting them to remain passive, His MERCY endures forever; “As the Father has sent Me so I am sending you” … making them assured of His DIVINE MERCY, the Risen Christ sent them on MISSION.

While HUMANITY rises to its height, it sees widely the POWER OF GOD, His DIVINE MERCY, in ACTION and at WORK. Sacred Scriptures attest to this when in John 5: 17 Jesus said, “My Father is working even until now and I myself am working”.

Like what Peter said to Jesus during the Transfiguration experience when he said, “Master, how good it is for us to be here for we can make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah” (Ref. Luke 9:33), could we also say to God in the same spirit and truth, “Our God, how good it is for us to be on the surface of this Earth and what a great feeling when the STATE, CHURCH, and DIVINE MERCY could stand and work together in bringing HUMANITY rise to its height in the FAITH and see wide and clear the world filled with HOPE and LOVE?

No sooner after Peter had spoken, clouds appeared and a voice came from the cloud, “This is My Son, my Chosen One, listen to Him”. After the voice had spoken, Jesus was there alone (Ref. Luke 9:34-36).


Could this be telling us that this WORLD would remain wonderful if HUMANITY would LISTEN to JESUS for HE alone is the DIVINE MERCY … the POWER OF GOD?

Could this be telling us that ONLY AND ONLY, THEN, when the STATE and the CHURCH are motivated and empowered by the DIVINE MERCY in the exercise of their jurisdiction that HUMANITY in their hands could rise to its highest realm blessed with DIVINE FAVORS, equipped with DIVINE PROTECTION, and received DIVINE INTERVENTION?

Could this be telling us that the TRANSFIGURATION OF HUMANITY lies in the POWER OF GOD … His DIVINE MERCY?


DIVINE MERCY which is the POWER OF GOD should prevail for it is everlasting.

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